Help ARDF and Learn Life-Saving Skills

by Sarah-Joy Reichert

You are invited to a free workshop for all ages to learn Hands-Only CPR, chest thrusts (aka Heimlech) and to make flood buckets & health kits for the Anglican Relief & Development Fund (ARDF). This is part of my Stars & Stripes Project for American Heritage Girls. The first workshop (of three) will be on Sept 21 from 10 am - noon in the Atrium & Children’s Wing at All Saints’. Everyone is invited, especially ushers and anyone who works in youth and children’s ministry. 

Why should you learn these techniques?

This past spring at an AHG event for patriots my friend was choking and indicated the universal sign of choking. I was able to perform the Heimlich helping her to dislodge what was in her throat.

According to the Red Cross, patients receiving standard and Hands-Only CPR were two times more likely to survive 30 days, compared with patients who received no CPR.

What is ARDF? 

The Anglican Relief and Development Fund supports local churches serving their communities after a crisis. They commit resources and connect volunteers to training and opportunities to serve. The hygiene kits would be stored by ARDF and used during a natural disaster or other crises.

More dates coming, but if you are able to attend, please RSVP here:

Thank you for your support!

Sarah-Joy Reichert

AHG Troop VA0248