In-Person or Zoom Children's Church

Children’s Church is back…in-person and on Zoom! Children’s church is now again offered during the 10 a.m. Sunday Service (9:45 a.m. check-in time), “in-person” in the children's wing, and on Zoom from 11:30 a.m. to Noon. Parents can attend the service while children have a time of their own. A Zoom offering is available for families unable to attend church.

The ‘Simply Loved’ curriculum is for age 3 through 6th grade as children explore New and Old testaments and discover friendship with Jesus throughout God’s story. ‘Simply Loved’ curriculum was created with the truth found in 1 John 4:7, which says, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.” Simply Loved--where Kids experience God’s Greatest Gift!

NEW--Nursery-aged children are welcome to attend Pre-K Children's Church...with a parent! Have a nursery-aged child who would engage for a bit, who likes stories, friends, games, and snacks? They are welcome to Pre-K Children's Church (ages 5 and under). We would love to have you and your child here! Wiggles are always welcome. Questions? Contact Tara in the church office.