All Saints' Is Updating the Take-Them-A-Meal Registry

All Saints’ Meals Ministry provides short term meals for congregants who are recuperating from illness, surgery, childbirth or a death in the immediate family.

We use a website called Take-Them-A-Meal to send out meal requests to parishioners who would like to be part of this ministry. 

If you would like to join OR remain on our list of parishioners who are willing to receive and respond to requests for meals please click here and fill in the requested info (even if you are already receiving requests!)

There is no requirement that you sign up every time you receive a request. Our parish family is spread over a large area, and by having many people on the list to receive meal requests, you can pick and choose the locations and dates that work best for you. Please contact Julie Tilton or Kim Russell if you have questions. A big thank you to all who sign up for this ministry. You could be the next parishioner needing meals!!