Meet Eric McAfee

by David Fawcett

The opportunity to lead worship at All Saints’ Church impacted Eric McAfee in two ways.

“This has been a chance for me to explore my talent further and magnify the Lord at the same time,” McAfee said.

McAfee, who took over as All Saints’ music director in April, did not initially plan to become a worship leader. He only discovered this path after preparing to play at a friend’s upcoming wedding, many years ago, during his first real job.

Living in New Orleans at the time, McAfee needed a place to practice for the wedding. He first tried using a piano inside an empty room at Tulane University. That didn’t last long after someone at the school told him the space was reserved for people affiliated with the university.

Tulane, however, did suggest he use a piano at a church. McAfee found one at St. George’s Episcopal Church. An urban planner, he thought nothing more of it as he helped the city clean up in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

But then someone at St. George’s remembered McAfee almost a year later when the church was looking for an organist. McAfee had never played the organ, but the church told him they would pay for lessons. He accepted St. George’s offer and served as its organist for over a year.

Soon after, McAfee added the title of music director at St. George’s as well, staying there several additional months before returning to grad school.

McAfee remained involved in music ministry in various roles in various locations, including Allentown, PA; Detroit, Indianapolis, and Boston, as well as working as a civilian in Afghanistan and as a student in Uruguay.

McAfee said he was laid off from his job as an urban planner in December,

“I did not enjoy that work so I was looking at something different,” McAfee said.

Feeling that leading worship music was more a calling, McAfee applied for the director’s position at All Saints’.

“The biggest appeal of All Saints’ was its strong commitment to Anglican traditions, while still finding a balance with contemporary worship practices,” McAfee said. “I love the term "blended" and intend to carry that forward in music ministry, while exploring new genres as well.”

(Please introduce yourself to Eric on Sunday mornings in between services!)