Moms in Prayer Winter Tea

God's power is unleashed as we pray for our children and schools!

As mothers of All Saints', we are women who pray God's Word for our children, and schools to be transformed by Christ. Come rest with a formal tea and scones in the multi-purpose room on Monday evening, January 23, 7-8:30 p.m., while receiving information about the community of Mothers In Prayer (MIP), starting right here in our own church's Prayer Rooms.

Whether sending your little one off to kindergarten for the first time, navigating the teen years, or experiencing an empty nest of "grown and flown" adult children, you love your children and desire God's best for them. God is moving in the lives of our children and schools as moms, grandmas, and women who have a heart for the next generation while gathering in united, scriptural prayer. More information about MIP at All ladies are welcome! RSVP to Tara at