Mother Valarie's January 26 Exhortation

On January 26, Mother Valarie preached on John 2:1-11. At the end, she shared a word from the Lord, which is printed here for you:

I want you to pursue me more fully and completely.

I want you to hear my voice more clearly.

I want you to stay on task — do not become lazy and miss your way.

Remember that the way to my heart is narrow - and it leads to life.


Pursue, pursue, pursue me with all your heart.

Give me your best — your best time, your best energy, give to me off the top.

I desire the cream of the crop.

I do not judge you in this!!

I am a God of Love.

My Spirit is always with you, sustaining and supporting you in your quest for abundant life.

I am open to you. There is always more of me to explore and to enhance your life and to extend my Kingdom.

Do not grow weary in well doing!!