Needlework Ministry Update

The Needlework Ministry will not be meeting on September 4th due to the Labor Day holiday. Mark your calendars for our next meeting on October 2, 2021. At our August meeting, we sorted through all the handmade items in our Needlework Ministry closet.

Once sorted we took the items to the areas, in All Saints' Church, where the handmade items were needed the most:

- baby hats, blankets, booties to Nursery/Children's Ministry.

- prayer shawls to Women's Ministry.

- quilts to Caring Ministry

- scarfs/hats to Food Pantry Ministry

- Threads of Blessing went back into the closet, waiting for the time Uganda ministry is back traveling.

We thank each and every one of you for your time, talents, and generous thread/yarn/fabric gifts that make this ministry such a joy to each other and all the new recipients of your handmade items. The closet is mostly empty and ready for more donations. Take a look at the photo collage below to see the sorted items.

All Saints' Church

Needlework Ministry