Prayers for the Persecuted Church: A New Weekly Feature

by Mother Valarie Whitcomb

Every Sunday morning during the Prayers of the People we pray for the Persecuted Church.

Because the ongoing trauma of the Persecuted Church is very real around the world except (at least at this time) the Church in the West, we are adding a weekly opportunity in our Newsletter to inform you of a specific country or situation that needs our prayers. We encourage you to take a few minutes each week to pray for our precious brothers and sisters in Christ who are under such extreme duress. This can include loss of livelihood, forced eviction from their homes, the burning of their churches, torture, imprisonment, murder, abduction of their children, forced marriage to someone from another religion, and so forth.

Our brothers and sisters of the Persecuted Church count on our prayers to sustain them in their dire circumstances.

Should you wish deeper information for prayer and/or feel that God is calling you to give a contribution for their support, contact BarnabasAid, an Anglican nonprofit organization that works with local believers in persecuted countries to provide desperately needed aid:
80 Abbeyville Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
703-288-1681 or toll-free 866-936-2525.

Thank you for your willingness to pray!