Regathering as a Church - First In-person Service on July 12

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

I am incredibly excited to announce to you that Sunday, July 12 will be our first public regathering service.

I want to express sincere appreciation to Walt DeHoust and his team as well as the church staff for all of their hard work and attention to the many details required to reach this milestone. I also want to thank our entire church family for your steadfastness in prayer and faithfulness to All Saints’ Church even during these months that we have worshiped together apart.

Let me take this opportunity to give you some specific details with much more information to follow soon:

  • Initially we will have one Sunday service which will begin at 10:00 a.m. and last about one hour.

  • Holy Communion will be offered for those wanting to receive.

  • In accordance with social distancing requirements, we can seat just over 100 people for this service.

  • There will be a registration procedure via the church website. More details to follow soon.

  • For those who are unable or not yet ready to return to in-person worship, we will permanently livestream our Sunday service.

  • Please watch your email, the church newsletter, and the website. We will provide all of the necessary information, including a video which takes everyone through all of the steps from arrival to departure.

  • Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to protect the health and safety of everyone in attendance.

Whether worshiping together or apart, with God’s help, may we all strive in unity to be a church that is overflowing in love and God’s healing power. I look forward to seeing each of you soon, either in person or continuing on the livestream.

Together with you in His service,
