Last week, we announced that Road to Resurrection signups are coming Sunday, February 4 in the Atrium! This is a church-wide event, and all ages are encouraged to participate, mature 4th graders through adults. Over 70 volunteers make this event happen, including costumed and non-costumed roles.
This year's Road to Resurrection is Saturday, March 30, 10 am-1 pm. To help you pray where you may best serve, we have compiled a list of the roles to consider, in which you can sign up on Sunday!
A mini rehearsal (no longer than one hour) is arranged for each scene, to be coordinated sometime during Lent. Costumed roles include:
Praising People (Triumphant Entry)
Jesus entering Jerusalem with the donkey
Marketplace Women
Jesus at the Passover Meal
Disciples at the Passover Meal
Jesus praying at the Garden of Gethsemane
Sleeping Disciples
Jesus Betrayed & Arrested
Centurion (arresting Jesus)
Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
Centurion Wrangles/Demeans Jesus
High Priest
Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Simon Carries the Cross/Roman Soldiers Gamble for His Clothing
Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus being beaten
Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus nailed to cross
Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus being crucified
Storyteller/Scripture Reader of the Resurrection
Tomb Guard
Mary Magdalene
Non-costumed roles include:
wood donations for firepits,
door prize donations (any Spring toys or outdoor toys for children),
Easter Egg Hunt Coordinators
Egg Hiders
Craft table attendants for kids
Morning Setup or Afternoon Take Down
costume assistants
door prize announcers
Thank you for considering where you can be part of our Easter outreach!