Story Time Continues in January!

A delightful Children's Story Time met weekly from September through Thanksgiving in the church backyard every Wed. morning! Mrs. Asteir, our Nursery Director, and Mrs. Tara have been leading families from the community in an outdoor Story Time of quality children's literature, enjoying a snack together, a related learning activity, a prayer time, and ending with playground play! Families bring a blanket and sit together on their own family mat.

The ministry has been advertised to the community on social media and an average of 10 children (and 4-5 families) per week have been participating, ages infant through age 6. In our new Winter season, the Story Time will meet either outdoors on nicer winter weather days or virtually (or recorded) until the church is able to re-open. On Wed, Jan. 6, we will enjoy a recorded Story Time of a children’s book telling the journey of the Three Kings.

Other stories coming up include Coming Home (a winter robin sets out on a journey through snowy mountains, dark forests, wild seas, until he finds his way back to his family for Christmas), Over and Under the Snow (the quiet wonder of the animals that live in the subnivean zone under the snow), and Thank you, Omu! (a Nigerian tale: everyone in the neighborhood stops by for "Omu's" scrumptious stew, giving more than she receives, but they all return the generosity back in the end). If you would like to receive the Story Time weekly email updates, please email Tara Pedersen.