Boats and Moonjellies

Next Wednesday's Children's Story Time, Sept. 30, 10 a.m.

This week’s books: My Blue Boat & Night of the Moonjellies

All nursery and elementary children invited to a weekly Story Time on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the church backyard! Come listen to an All Saints’ friend read a quality children's story to your children, enjoy a playful activity or game, a prayer of blessing over the children...and then playtime and friendship on the playground! A parent or caregiver is requested to stay with your child(ren). Invite a friend! Every Wednesday with good weather. Children will sit on a spaced sit-u-pon mat, or a family blanket. Parents and children ages 3 and up will wear masks in Story Time.

Here are some photos from our first Story Time!