
Advent Sunday School

Take a look at the Advent Sunday options for all ages! The Sunday School hour takes place from 9:45-10:45 a.m. on December 10 & December 17.


This Advent season we invite you to come and prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! With a single service on December 3 preceding the Greening of the Church and a single service on December 24 as we celebrate Christmas Eve, there will be two weeks (Dec. 10 and 17) that will feature Adult Sunday School Offerings to focus on the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

ADVENT IN WORD AND SONG: Come join us as we wait on the Lord with poetry, music and practices to help prepare our hearts for the Messiah’s coming. No books will be needed. This class will meet in the Bishop’s Conference Room (second floor) above All Saints’ Administration Wing.

ADVENT: WAITING WITH HOPE: We will explore how Jesus fulfills prophecy and brings light from darkness. How He calls us to be ready when He comes and inspires us to live in active and hopeful waiting for His arrival. This class will meet in the Creation Room in the Children’s Wing during the Education hour, Sunday from 9:45-10:45 a.m.


The High School & Middle School students will continue their dive in first Samuel during the Sunday School hour. Each teaching takes us into the Israelites history, and how we see ourselves in their story. Donuts, discussion, and fellowship all happen in the Multi-purpose classroom downstairs. 


CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Carols & Rehearsals for Christmas Eve every Sunday in Advent beginning Thanksgiving Weekend. Starting Sunday, December 3, the children at 11 a.m. Children’s Church will receive an Advent devotion, and then prepare for a Savior for the 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Service with singing carols and participating in roles reenacting the Nativity. Each child, whether participating one week in Advent, or all four, will receive a costume and are invited! It is All Saints' tradition that the 3rd graders are offered the key roles, and if at all possible should be available most Sundays of Advent for practice. During Advent, 8:15 Children’s Church will not be offered. Children up to age six are welcome to come to the nursery during the 8:15 service time. (Please note: The service and children's church on this coming Sunday, Dec 3, is at 10am ONLY).

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children in the Pre-K and Elementary classes will receive an Advent teaching each Sunday during the Sunday School hour from 9:45-10:45 a.m. The Light Before Christmas guides PREK & Elementary children in learning about the reason we celebrate Christmas. Each lesson points to Christ, the Light of the World who came to save us from the darkness of sin. Through a Bible study of light and darkness, children will discover how the theme of light weaves its way through the Christmas story and God’s plan of salvation.  Scripture readings, dramas, object lessons, discussion, activity pages, crafts, and songs will engage our children in preparing their hearts for the true meaning of Christmas. The Light Before Christmas will continue in Sunday School from 9:45-10:45 a.m. on December 10 & 17, and in Children's Church on the morning of the 24th. 

Ways to Serve the Living Nativity Outreach

Even if you do not have a costumed role in the Living Nativity on Friday, December 15 there are a variety of important ways to help serve this important outreach! People throughout the Dale City community get to experience the truth of the nativity story of Jesus brought to life in this church-wide event. Here are three ways you can help support:

  • Cookies Needed: To warm hearts and hands at the Living Nativity on Sunday, December 15th! Hot Cocoa, Hot Tea, and Cookies  (as well as bottled water) will be available for our 50+ volunteers, as they serve in the cold.  If you enjoy baking or simply like buying Christmas cookies, please consider bringing 1-2 dozen to the church office on Wednesday or Thursday, December 14/15, 9am-4pm. Or, you can drop off to Tara's home in Montclair most evenings. Please reply to Tara to let her know you are bringing cookies (and how many).

  • Nativity Bags: We will be making 300 Christmas activity bags for children, to be distributed in the front parking lot upon their arrival, so that as they wait in line, we can at least help with keeping the kids entertained. Each bag will have Nativity themed sticker & activity sheets, car friendly crafts, colorings, a glow in the dark Nativity wristband, and an animal cracker pack treat! You can donate a box of 12 individual packs for $15, and have them sent to the church by ordering here. We also need helping hands to assemble the 300 bags! Please consider coming out on Monday morning, December 11, 10am, childcare provided. Christmas cookies, Coffee, & Fruit served.

  • Firewood Donations: are needed also for two of the Living Nativity scenes. If you have firewood to spare or donate, please contact Tara in the church office, or by email at to make arrangements.

One Service & Greening of the Church 12/3

There will be one service at 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 3 as we gather for the Greening of the Church following the service. December 3 is the first Sunday of Advent and we will come together to hang the greenery around the church. Childcare is available during the greening and a light lunch will be provided. The children will have a special Advent lesson & a craft during the greening. Please RSVP here.

Un-Trim-A-Tree: Support a Child in Dale City This Year!

Please consider purchasing a gift for a child in need in our very own community by signing up to sponsor a child with a gift through Un-Trim-A-Tree!

All Saints’ Church is supporting 160 children from local schools by providing 2 gifts for each child! These children range in age from newborn up to 16 years old.

We will follow the same process as we did last year and provide an online sign-up list. Please sign up here for as many children as you feel led to help and try to keep the amount for each gift to about $35.00 or less. If the item listed is too expensive, please feel free to substitute it with an age-appropriate gift.

Please drop off your gifts at the front of the church on Sunday, December 10. Gifts should be unwrapped with name, ID number, and the letter “a” or “b” attached.

With Sincerest Thanks,

The All Saints’ Church Un-Trim-A-Tree Team

Lisa Fair & Lindsey Powers