Taking Care of God's Land - Well done!

Thank you to everyone who volunteers time and energy to keep the church grounds gorgeous! The community garden is the latest project undertaken and it looks stunning. These photos just do not do your work justice!

"In a world shadowed by cruelty, violence and loss, is there good reason for the planting of flowers?

Ah, yes! For these bursts of color and beautiful blooms are bright dabs of grace, witnesses to a promise, reminders of a spreading beauty more eternal, and therefore stronger, than any evil, than any grief, than any injustice or violence."

From: A Liturgy for the Planting of Flowers, Every Moment Holy, Douglas McKelvey

"When you tend a thing and pour yourself into it, it loves you back with the fruit it bears. It loves you, literally, when it feeds you, giving its life so that yours may thrive." - Pete Peterson