VBS Celebration Sunday and Picnic!

All are invited this coming Sunday, July 25, 11 a.m. to our Treasured VBS Celebration Sunday service! We have nursery care for our youngest, age 5 and under, as needed.

The children are invited to wear their VBS shirts. We will sing our VBS songs all throughout the service, and the VBS decor will still be up for the kids!

Following the service, everyone is invited to stay for the VBS Celebration Picnic at about 12:30 p.m. Make sure to bring your own lawn chairs! We will have hot dogs, chips, watermelon, cake, and ice pops. We will also enjoy a few VBS games, music, and a Slip ‘n Slide (prepare the kids to be wet!). We will have small baby pools for our wobblers and toddlers.