All Saints' Church

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Ways to Serve the Living Nativity Outreach

Even if you do not have a costumed role in the Living Nativity on Friday, December 15 there are a variety of important ways to help serve this important outreach! People throughout the Dale City community get to experience the truth of the nativity story of Jesus brought to life in this church-wide event. Here are three ways you can help support:

  • Cookies Needed: To warm hearts and hands at the Living Nativity on Sunday, December 15th! Hot Cocoa, Hot Tea, and Cookies  (as well as bottled water) will be available for our 50+ volunteers, as they serve in the cold.  If you enjoy baking or simply like buying Christmas cookies, please consider bringing 1-2 dozen to the church office on Wednesday or Thursday, December 14/15, 9am-4pm. Or, you can drop off to Tara's home in Montclair most evenings. Please reply to Tara to let her know you are bringing cookies (and how many).

  • Nativity Bags: We will be making 300 Christmas activity bags for children, to be distributed in the front parking lot upon their arrival, so that as they wait in line, we can at least help with keeping the kids entertained. Each bag will have Nativity themed sticker & activity sheets, car friendly crafts, colorings, a glow in the dark Nativity wristband, and an animal cracker pack treat! You can donate a box of 12 individual packs for $15, and have them sent to the church by ordering here. We also need helping hands to assemble the 300 bags! Please consider coming out on Monday morning, December 11, 10am, childcare provided. Christmas cookies, Coffee, & Fruit served.

  • Firewood Donations: are needed also for two of the Living Nativity scenes. If you have firewood to spare or donate, please contact Tara in the church office, or by email at to make arrangements.