Hosted Prayer Time:
During Lent, we are called anew to examine our lives as Christians. We are called to repent, contemplate, seek, and listen to the Lord. To encourage you in this Lenten journey, the prayer room will be open in accordance with All Saints’ COVID safeguards. Everyone is invited!
If you are new to the Prayer Room or prefer to pray with a small group of people, please join a “host” each Wednesday, 1-3 p.m., during Lent. The host will introduce you to the prayer room and various opportunities to pray. If this time does not work for you, please call the church office to schedule a separate hosted time.
If you are already familiar with the prayer room, please return as you feel led.
About the Prayer Room:
In 2010, the All Saints’ congregation began planning to build a new church building. A prayer center was an integral part of the plan from the beginning with a vision for 24/7 house of prayer for the nations (Isaiah 56:7). The prayer room has three separate rooms suitable for individuals, couples, and families with children of all ages.
*Wearing masks, social distancing, and sanitizing the prayer room will be observed.