COMING SOON: Zoom into Coffee Hour!
Grab your favorite “cuppa” and join our Zoom coffee hour Sundays at 11:30 a.m. until noon after our virtual worship service. We’re still working on the details, but hope to be able to go live by next Sunday, May 17. The link for participating will be on the church website under “coffee hour.”
All Saints’ Church Serving in our community
Members of All Saints' Church are using their gifts to bless first responders, family, and friends in our community! One parishioner in the Needlework Ministry has made hundreds of masks which have been delivered to the Prince William County Police Department, nursing homes, businesses, fire stations, and hospitals. Our Staff and Vestry Members have received them also, along with a grouping for our children, should they need them, when they return to Sunday School!
All Saints' Church has been called upon by the county to provide food for families in need who contact the PWC Food Line. We will be packing food from our pantry for these families in need beginning Monday, May 11.
Ways you can help! Sign up at to pick up and deliver food for families in need in our community.
Thank you All Saints’ family, for finding creative ways to use your gifts to bless those in need!
Book of Common Prayer Book Exchange and Second-chance sale