All Saints' Church

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Adult Discipleship Offerings in June

Young Adults/College-Age Adults! Join us for Louie Giglio’s “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at the Table”

Starting in June, this video Bible study by bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio unpacks Psalm 23 to offer insight into how to overcome the enemy's lies and find peace and spiritual security in any circumstance or situation. God has prepared a table for you. Come and join us. Meets in the Creation Room in the Children’s Wing. Please contact Art Pedersen (571.991.6927) if you have questions.

“Acts” – A study of The Holy Spirit moving in dramatic ways in the early church continues and is open to all who are interested or curious. A study guide by John Stott plus selected video segments guides this study. Study guides are available for $12 each (Kindle version is $10.49 if you choose to order on your own). Meets in the Administrative Conference Room in the Administrative Wing. Please contact Jim Morrison (571.338.5774) if you have questions.

The Good and Beautiful Life by James Bryan Smith
Continuing in the Bishop’s Conference Room
(second floor of the Administrative Wing), please join us as we study “The Good and Beautiful Life” by James Bryan Smith. This deep, loving and transformative book will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by—to know the Lord he knew and the kingdom he proclaimed—and to practice spiritual exercises that will help you grow in the knowledge of our good and beautiful God.

This study will meet in the Bishop’s area (second floor) above All Saints’ Administration Wing. Books will be available on the first day of class for $10 each (Kindle version is $14.24 if you choose to order on your own). Coffee/Tea will be provided.

Continuing on Thursdays at 7 – 8.30 p.m. via Zoom.

An opportunity for study and fellowship for those of you who haven't had a chance to gather in person: Zoom is the answer. Deacon Julie, Kat Zwingle, and Lexie Miller are hosting a group on Thursday evenings between 7:00-8:30. This group is viewing and discussing topics addressed in the Bible Project. The current topic is “The Sermon on the Mount”. If you are homebound and want to join, all you need is a computer or a smart phone, and internet service. If you don’t know how to use Zoom, we can help you. Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton at

Looking Ahead to July, Adult Discipleship Offerings on the Horizon are:

30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders.

In this six-session video Bible study, used in conjunction with the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, Max Anders explores the Bible's key people, places, events and messages in bite-sized pieces to increase your knowledge of the Bible and understand the doctrines of the Christian faith. This class will meet in the Creation Room and will be hosted by Art Pedersen.