Two adult Sunday School classes, Royal Priesthood andPrayer in the Night, continue on Sunday mornings, and the Thursday Evening Zoom Bible Study is reading “He Speaks To Me” by Priscilla Shirer.
All Saints’ Bible Trivia Hour March 2!
Legacy Coalition Grandparenting Summit 2025
January 2025 Adult Discipleship Offerings
Grief Share Online begins January 13
New Adult Sunday School Class Starts Dec 8
Kitchen Help for the Bishop’s Visit
Adult Discipleship Offerings in October
Surviving the Holidays: Online Seminar November 8
Foundations for Ministry
4-6 p.m. in the Administrative Conference Room A workbook (cost: $40) provides weekly homework and guides the class through each lesson. A prerequisite for this class is Foundations for Ministry Year 1 – Old Testament. To register, please call or text Jim Morrison at 571.338.5774 or send email to
New Fall 2024 Sunday School Offerings for Adults and Youth Begin September 8
For Adults:
Come along with Josh Moore as he leads us through Henri Nouwen’s book The Genesee Diary beginning Sunday, September 8 in the Bishop’s Conference Room.
On finding that, in the clutter of his life, his intimacy with God was lacking, Nouwen spent several months living as a temporary monk at The Abbey of the Genesee in upstate New York. He hoped that there, free from the other distractions of his life, he could spend his time in undistracted work, worship, and meditative prayer.
Copies of The Genesee Diary will be available on the first day of class for $10. Used copies costing around $5 can also be purchased from Amazon or ThriftBooks.
Bible 101 is a revised course offered this fall for eight weeks beginning September 8 between services in the Administrative Conference Room. Led by Walt DeHoust, this class will introduce participants to the entire Bible using the central framework of the “Kingdom of God.”
The Kingdom of God is defined as God’s people, in God’s place, enjoying God’s rule and blessing. The course will be a composite overview with occasional “stop-offs” for a closer look at God’s kingdom. The intent is to give participants a greater understanding of the central message of the Bible and the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, and a stronger confidence in personal Bible study.
For Youth:
Middle School Our brand new Sunday School class for all middle school students starts September 8 in the Multi-Purpose Room. Each week, we’ll explore aspects of our Christian faith through the Sunday readings, our liturgy, and other Anglican traditions. Join us for activities, snacks, and lively discussions as we grow in faith together!
High School Students in 9th - 12th grade are invited to the downstairs Multi-Purpose Room for a deep-dive into the four gospels of the New Testament.
CCoM Open House September 14
Have Fun, Enjoy Great Food, and Help a Worthy Cause All at the Same Time!
Thursday Evening Zoom Bible Study continues in October
Adult Sunday School Offering: Henri Nouwen's The Genesee Diary
Adult Sunday School Offering: Bible 101
Help Us Give Back to First Fruits Farm on September 4
Interested in Baptism? Register for Our Training Class
GriefShare begins September 9
7-9 p.m. on Zoom A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Register here: Questions? Contact Deacon Julie Tilton.
Stephen Ministers Provide Emotional and Spiritual Support
There are times when every one of us experiences difficulties and could benefit from meeting with a Stephen Minister once a week for emotional and spiritual support while we find our way through the valley.
What is a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received 50 hours of caregiving training to minister to people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time. They are under the supervision of the congregation’s Stephen Leaders (Deacons Andy Terry and Julie Tilton.)
A Stephen Minister will meet with you privately and confidentially on a weekly basis to pray, listen, care, encourage, support, and remind you of Christ’s presence in your life. Women meet with a female Stephen Minister, and men meet with a male Stephen Minister.
How do you get connected with a Stephen Minister?
Requests can be initiated by contacting a member of the clergy, including Deacon Julie Tilton ( ) or Deacon Andy Terry (, or by emailing