Once again, God was on the move in meeting people’s prayer needs at the Nov. 9 food pantry.
We had six on hand for prayer and as always every extra hand was needed since we had around 40 people come through.
It was slow the first 20 minutes with no one coming in for prayer. The thought was maybe people were intent on getting their turkeys first (even though their ticket reserved one for them).
But then the floodgates opened. It was about that time Mother Valarie Whitcomb came out into the Atrium and people started coming in for prayer. Coincidence? Maybe. But maybe not. She is a prayer magnet.
It was a steady flow from there. We were actually praying for people at noon when things closed up.
A couple things to mention:
1. The first group to come through totaled seven. They asked for prayers for general health. But then one of the young boys in the group spoke up and said his grandma, who was part of the group, had stomach problems. As Shelley Lingamfelter noted, the moment spoke to how attentive that young boy was to a need.
2. A man came to All Saints’ a few weeks ago and received prayer from Mother Valarie to find a job. This same man was at the food pantry Saturday. When he saw Valarie, he came over and told her he had gotten a job. She can tell the story much better, but the man was overflowing with praise.
3. A woman came through to tell Kat Zwingle that her shoulder was healed. Kat had helped pray for this woman at another food pantry and wanted to let Kat know she was healed.
4. Another woman came through for prayer who was struggling with mental illness. A member of her family also had suffered his fourth heart attack. She interviewed the two praying for her (I believe it was Carol and Shelley) to make sure this was in fact a true Christian church focused on prayer. They assured her it was.
5. We also gave away a number of prayer shawls and cleaned out the box of Spanish and English-speaking Bibles.