Men’s Ministry is hosting Coffee Hour this Sunday. Can you help?
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner!
Meals for the Homeless
Online sign-up now available! We are scheduled to provide meals at Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center March 3-6, 2025 and we need many hands to help contribute to this important community ministry.
Coffee Hour this Sunday: Meet the Vestry
Lay Readers Needed!
Answers to Prayer at the Food Giveaway
Donate/Serve Cookies for Gingerbread Bash!
CCoM Open House September 14
September Food Giveaway
Help Us Give Back to First Fruits Farm on September 4
Help Grow the Faith of a Young Parent
Help Provide Meals to Hilda Barg September 9-12, 2024
All Saints’ Church is a member of the Cooperative Council of Ministries (CCoM) of Prince William County. We are scheduled to provide meals at Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center September 9-12, 2024 and we need many hands to help contribute to this important community ministry. This is a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
Food is to be delivered each evening between 6:30 and 7 p.m.
Click on a date below to see how you can help serve:
Please note, you may change menu items, provided you stay with the theme for that day. Small groups or teams are also encouraged to consider sharing meals on a given day. Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton with any questions. Thank you for your support.
August Food Giveaway
Oversight Team Needed for Meals for Hilda Barg
All Saints’ is a member of the Cooperative Council of Ministers (CCoM), set up years ago to serve the homeless in Prince William County. As part of this effort, member churches sign up for three weeks a year to bring food to the Hilda Barg shelter on Rt. 1 near Opitz. All Saints’ next commitment is for the week of September 9, 10, 11, and 12 (four days).
The members of the previous ASC team have all moved away and we need three to four parishioners to oversee food sign-ups and delivery. Bruce DeSoto has provided all the forms and instructions you will need, so you will just have to get in the saddle and ride. The horse has already been tamed and knows where to go!
Please contact Deacon Julie at if you can help All Saints’ keep this commitment.
VBS Decor Setup Day Saturday, July 20
The decorations have been made, now it's time to transform our church into an under-the-sea world on Saturday, July 20, at 1 p.m.! Jobs for everyone: hang high, hang low, splish or splash the walls, corners, ceilings, and classrooms with blue seas, sea animals, ocean life, and coral reefs. Guidance is provided and for those who prefer to keep two feet on the sand, we have jobs for you too! This is an all-church invite starting at 1 p.m.; come and go as you are able. Contact Tara at with questions or for more info.
Join the Music Ministry Team!
There's still abundant opportunity to join the Music Ministry Team at All Saints’, either as an instrumentalist, a vocalist, or a member of the renewed choir! The sign-up sheet is out in the Atrium. Eric McAfee, our Music Director, will reach out to each individual who signs up to better understand interest and comfort levels in contributing to musical praise and worship.