Continue steadfastly in prayer...

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

These days in which we live certainly continue to be challenging for us and for our culture as we navigate seemingly uncharted waters. Yet, I am reminded of Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” In times such as these, we must remain firmly anchored to our Lord, despite the unfortunate but necessary physical separation from each other.

Once again, I want to strongly encourage all of us to avail ourselves of the wide array of educational opportunities All Saints’ is offering via Zoom. There really is something for every age group and for a wide range of life circumstances. It is not too late to sign up and participate. Please take advantage of these wonderful opportunities to stay connected to the Lord and to each other.

Second, I want to recognize the foundational importance of our faithful intercessory prayer team to the life of our church. This team faithfully serves behind the scenes upholding each of you and our entire church family in prayer. Colossians 4:2 instructs us to “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Thanks be to God for the watchful, steadfast prayers of our intercessors!

Shelley Lingamfelter and Sheryl Shamer have faithfully led this ministry for the past three years. While continuing as an active part of this ministry, they have discerned that their season of leadership is complete. I want to sincerely thank them for their steadfast, faithful leadership. It is also my pleasure to let everyone know that Michael Emery has agreed to assume the role of leading this ministry. I look forward to the days ahead as the intercessory prayer ministry continues to grow, building on the foundation established by many faithful past leaders including Shelley, Sheryl, and Mother Valarie.

During these days of COVID may we all continue to press in and be ever more fully connected to Jesus Christ, our sure foundation who is unchanging in the midst of life’s changes and challenges!

Together with you in His Service,
