Donations Needed for Easter Egg Hunt & Door Prizes for Families!

You can help support the outreach to families in the area neighborhoods with a donation of plastic easter eggs, easter candy, or a door prize for a child! The Road to Resurrection event on April 16 is a wonderful opportunity to grow the relationships with families and children in our Dale City area with the Easter Egg Hunt and Door Prize Drawing. For this event we need:

You can find the Amazon wishlist for the eggs and candy here. Purchases made through this link will be shipped directly to the church. You can also drip off any eggs or candy to the church office (9a.m.-4p.m. M-Th or Sunday morning).

If you are interested in donating a door prize, please email Tara Pedersen or call 703-670-0093.

Thank you for your support of this community event! It is through the generosity of this church that we are able to have successful community outreach!