Hard Questions about God and Faith: Youth Update

Hi, Youth Families!

I'm excited to share our plans for Sunday nights as we enter 2021. As we are still right in the middle of the COVID pandemic, it has been a challenging season to plan, prepare, and express ministry in a way that feels normal and worthwhile. There are so many factors to consider and account for in ways that those in ministry haven't had to think about before. The good news is that we are not left to our own, God is with us and he is faithful to help his pastors guide his people.

Beginning Jan. 24 we will dig into a study series titled Can I Ask That? from Fuller Youth Institute. It's part of a program Fuller calls Sticky Faith (a faith in God that lasts). From Fuller Youth Institute: "A recent survey asked leaders of campus-based atheist clubs why they don't believe in God. Their responses were revealing: many had actually been involved in youth ministry during their high school years, and they named the church's failure to engage difficult questions as a key reason they left. Specifically, these young people cited the church's failure to wrestle with issues like the reliability of the biblical text, evolution vs. creation, and the exclusivity of Jesus. These students did not say they left their faith because of the stance their church took on the issues above. They left because the church failed to address them at all. When tough questions were addressed, the answers were found to be vague and superficial."

We are not looking to be vague or superficial here at All Saints' Youth. We want to engage issues and topics that you are struggling with, knowing that in that struggle and tension God is with us the whole time and will increase and strengthen our faith. It doesn't mean that we will solve every problem we encounter or have all of the answers to every question raised. It does mean that we will be challenged, pushed, and forced to live with the tension of saying 'I don't know'. But we know that it is better to say 'I don't know' instead of avoiding tough questions and issues. We know that the Holy Spirit will guide us and give us God's peace in spite of what we may think or feel. I'm excited to start this journey with you and I look forward to where God takes us as we push ourselves to go deeper with him!

Stay tuned for an email from me early next week with info for purchasing the book and Sunday night meeting details!

Thanks so much!


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