A Note from Our Rector: Make this Matter One of Focused Prayer

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

In recent days a number of you have communicated with me regarding the “Equality Act” which is currently under consideration by Congress.

All Saints’ Church, our diocese, and the ACNA have a longstanding, consistent history of not becoming involved in partisan politics or making public statements pro or con regarding individual public officials and political leaders, except for upholding them in prayer as scripture commands us. This remains the approach which our church upholds regarding these matters.

That being clearly stated, I do feel compelled to bring the Equality Act to your prayerful attention. Should it pass in its current form, it has significant negative ramifications, not only for how we function as All Saints’ Church, but also for other churches and non-Christian faith communities as well as faith-based charities, social services agencies, and non-profit organizations. I offer the following link to you from a helpful article. It is written by Father Matt Woodley, the Missions Pastor at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, IL. This is one of our sister ACNA churches which I hold in especially high esteem.  

Each of us should make this matter one of focused prayer. As you pray, I encourage each of us to ask the Lord what he might also be calling you to do to voice your perspectives and concerns regarding this matter to those involved with considering its passage.
