The National March for Life organization is putting on its annual March for Life in Washington, DC on Friday, January 24, 2025. Anglicans for Life will be participating in two ways.
World's Largest Baby Shower: Thank You for Your Donations!
Meet & Greet for Recent Attendees
Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past several months If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet on Sunday, September 17- immediately following the second service. Light refreshments will be provided, and childcare is available for children in 1st Grade and under. Please contact Tara if your young child is attending as lunch is provided in the nursery. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!
Recent Attender?
Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, March 5- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!
Please contact Tara Pedersen if you would like childcare.
Recent Attender?
Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, October 9- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!
Recent Attender?
Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past six months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, May 22- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church! RSVP’s helpful, but not required.
Pray for Our Teens at Camp!
Please pray for our youth group as they attend their winter retreat- The Booyah Brrr! They will drive down this Friday evening and return Monday afternoon.
Pray that the teens will be able to decompress and draw near to the Lord, without the distraction of complicated learning environments and social media. Every day, they will be taught from the Word and have time to process it alone and with others. Please pray for the youth leaders who will be traveling down with them.
Recent Attender?
Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past year and a half? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, January 23- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!
A Christmas Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that served during Advent in the Living Nativity and in the Family Christmas Eve service prep. It truly was a season of preparation, but with much rejoicing! Over a month's time of practicing songs, rehearsing, costuming, staging, constructing, and more! It all came to be a celebration of a newborn King and a Savior to the world right here in Dale City. Thank you to everyone that contributed in so many ways!
Tara Pedersen
Children's Ministry Director
Teen ySummit
Youth & parents! You are invited to participate in the annual "Anglicans for Life YSummit" watch party at All Saints' Church on the evening of Thursday, Jan 20. Anglicans for Life want the youth in Anglican churches to fully understand the worth of all human life, including their own. Please come to this youth-centered Life event full of engaging content from pro-life advocates, abortion survivors, and church leaders. Stay tuned for more details! Email Jedd+ with any questions.
Sign Up for the Food Giveaway - November 13
Sign Up for the Food Giveaway - July 10
Only 9 slots left for Treasured Vacation Bible School!
Spaces have been filling up for our Treasured VBS beginning next Monday, July 19 through Friday, July 23 (9 a.m.-12 p.m.). To register click the VBS Website button below!
Our children discover they are priceless to God as they embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. This is the summer event that helps kids discover God's greatest treasure isn't diamonds, gems, or gold—it's them! Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Rock, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun take-home Gizmos, playing games that reinforce the day's Bible Point, viewing Kid Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eating fun treats at Vine Dining Snacks.
Treasured VBS Is Coming to All Saints'!
Sign Up for the Food Giveaway -
Congressional Cycle of Prayer, Sunday, May 16, 2021
Congregational Cycle of Prayer, Sunday, May 9, 2021
Breaking News! Parish Workday this Saturday, May 8, 9AM to 1PM!
Send Our Youth to Camp!
The youth of All Saints’ are heading to Camp Booyah this summer for a week of Anglican formation, worship, Bible study, service, and summer camp fun at Watermarks in Scottsville, VA. The directors of this camp encourage youth attending to do “sweat-equity” to help pay for their time away at Watermarks.