Moms in Prayer this Summer

Summer Moms in Prayer invites moms and grandmoms! There are TWO opportunities each month to come as you are able for June & July in the prayer room: 

*an Evening group, 7-8pm, first Monday of each month

*a Morning group on the third Monday of each month, 9:30-10:30 am

God's power is unleashed through our prayers. Every child, preschool/elementary, teens, young adults, and grown children need our prayers.  We live in a culture that seeks to blind our children to the reality of God's love for them.  You can make a difference in their lives by interceding for them using God's Word, praying together in simple, conversational prayer, with other moms/grandmoms, so that our children are transformed by Christ.

Contact Tara at to receive reminders and All Saints’ Moms in Prayer updates.