
Dorcas Ministry / Needlework

Our next gathering will be April 6.

The Dorcas Ministry (previously known as the Needlework Ministry) meets in the Children’s Wing (Heaven room) 9:30-11:30 a.m. You are welcome to bring crocheting, knitting, sewing, and other items to work on while we are gathered, as well as items you have completed. We will bless and collect completed items for distribution to the poor, the sick, and the needy.

Why did we change the name? The word needlework refers to a small subset of what we create for others and we wanted a name that speaks to a broader application. Dorcas was a disciple of Jesus and lived in the town of Joppa, a city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. She was a charitable person who made things for the needy. You can read about her in Acts 9:36-42, including Peter’s restoration of her life.

The Needlework Ministry meets the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the multi-purpose room.

Contact Deacon Julie with questions and to check the schedule.

Dorcas Ministry / Needlework

The Dorcas Ministry (previously known as the Needlework Ministry) meets in the Children’s Wing (Heaven room) 9:30-11:30 a.m. You are welcome to bring crocheting, knitting, sewing, and other items to work on while we are gathered, as well as items you have completed. We will bless and collect completed items for distribution to the poor, the sick, and the needy.

Why did we change the name? The word needlework refers to a small subset of what we create for others and we wanted a name that speaks to a broader application. Dorcas was a disciple of Jesus and lived in the town of Joppa, a city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. She was a charitable person who made things for the needy. You can read about her in Acts 9:36-42, including Peter’s restoration of her life.

The Needlework Ministry meets the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the multi-purpose room.

Contact Deacon Julie with questions and to check the schedule.

Abortion Recovery Class

Have you experienced the pain and regret of an abortion in your past? Do you desire God’s spiritual and emotional healing?

Each woman is different in how she carries the burden of abortion and not all women are affected in the same way. But abortion can affect a woman, physically, emotionally, and most importantly…spiritually.  The shame, guilt, and remorse are often so overwhelming that it is difficult to share the pain. And it is the best kept secret among women.

You are not alone!!! Abortion recovery offers what no other place in our communities can: freedom from guilt and grief. It is a place to share with other women who have had a similar experience.   

All Saints’, along with Life First, is offering a 10-week Abortion Recovery Bible study for women who desire the Lord’s healing in this area of their lives. It is scripture-based and allows God to take your hand and lead you down the path of emotional healing. Strict confidentiality is the rule and no one’s personal information is ever shared.

  • Dates: Monday, April 1 through June 10th. 7-9 pm.

For more information contact Suzy Speare at 703-861-5994(cell) or arc@firstcarewomen.com.

MOPS is Now The MomCo

MOPS has officially changed its name to "The MomCo," which is short for 'Mom Community!' In the new year, we will use the new name, The MomCo, when referring to MOPS. There are a handful of reasons why MOPS International changed the name to MomCo. One reason is that in the digital age, young moms google everything on their iPhones, to find out more information, and when searching 'MOPS,' the message of MOPS was gargled with confusion. Even more so, the organization outgrew the name and has expanded. You can read about the new name here and why the change: https://www.mops.org/themomco/

The first MomCo Meeting in the new year is Monday, January 8th, 945-1145am! Email Natalie to RSVP for free childcare, or to receive more information at asacmops@gmail.com .

Meet & Greet for Recent Attendees

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past several months If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet on Sunday, September 17- immediately following the second service. Light refreshments will be provided, and childcare is available for children in 1st Grade and under. Please contact Tara if your young child is attending as lunch is provided in the nursery. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!

All Moms Invited to Moms In Prayer April 3

The next Moms in Prayer meetup (open to all moms of any age and stage) is Monday, April 3, 7-8 p.m. Mothers and grandmothers invited! Moms in Prayer helps us pray powerfully, scripturally, and specifically for our children, young or grown, for our grandchildren, and for our child's school.

Whether you have never prayed out loud before, or have prayed for years in small groups, the experience of praying together with other moms in the prayer room of All Saints' Church will inspire, empower, and equip you in your relationship with Christ!

The first Monday of every month, 7-8 p.m., will be our time to come together as mothers of all ages, and all stages, in the ASC prayer room!

Donations Needed for Easter Egg Hunt & Door Prizes for Families!

You can help support the outreach to families in the area neighborhoods with a donation of plastic easter eggs, easter candy, or a door prize for a child! The Road to Resurrection event on April 8 is a wonderful opportunity to grow the relationships with families and children in our Dale City area with the Easter Egg Hunt and Door Prize Drawing. For this event we need:

You can find the Amazon wishlist for the eggs and candy here. Purchases made through this link will be shipped directly to the church. You can also drip off any eggs or candy to the church office (9a.m.-4p.m. M-Th or Sunday morning).

If you are interested in donating a door prize, please email Tara Pedersen or call 703-670-0093.

Thank you for your support of this community event! It is through the generosity of this church that we are able to have successful community outreach!

Recent Attender?

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, March 5- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!

Please contact Tara Pedersen if you would like childcare.

Recent Attender?

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, October 9- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!