
Youth! This Sunday: Minute-to-Win-It Games

Hey, All Saints’ Youth!

In addition to the Virtual VBS picnic on Friday (see details in the daily VVBS email from Tara Pedersen), the youth calendar is getting full! Each Sunday in August now has a fun event planned. This Sunday will be “Minute-to-Win-It” games out back.

If you are not getting emails about these events from Jedd+ please sign up here.

COVID-19 Temporary Expansion of Home Communion

Dear All Saints’ Family, we are exploring ways to safely provide home communion once a month to those who are not yet able or comfortable resuming in-person worship.  We would follow the same guidelines we have developed for safely providing the communion wafer to those who come to church. In order to plan further it will be helpful to know how many households would like to receive home communion once a month.  Please check yes or no below and submit your response. Only one person per household should respond.

Thank you.