Three Kings Search for the Newborn King!

The children of All Saints’ Church are invited to a “Three King's Search for the Newborn King!”

In the season of Advent, children will be taking turns in Sunday School receiving one of the three Kings dolls, carefully prepared by our beloved Margaret Nichols. The dolls will go home with 3 children each week, and they can either take pictures of their King doll on a special journey to find baby Jesus (perhaps an outing to grandma's house, sitting under their own Christmas tree or while reading an Advent family devotion, or even in the kitchen while cooking a family meal!) Or they can journal/write, or draw a picture of their King somewhere on a special visit.

Our King dolls will be traveling through all the weeks of Advent until Epiphany, when the children will be invited to share about their King's journey, hear the story of The Visit of the Wise Men, be visited by the singing and costumed Three Kings themselves on January 9th.

All families attending Sunday School will be invited first to take a King doll home for the week, returning it with their photos, writings, or drawing! Ages 3 and up are invited!