VBS: Friendship with God Extended to 86 Children

A big thank-you to all who contributed to Scuba VBS!

So many of you contributed behind the scenes, or front and center as Crew Leaders, others leading and teaching, creating, decorating classrooms and hallways, making props at home, and more! Your contributions have planted seeds for Jesus that these children will carry for years to come. For our unchurched friends, they may not join the church tomorrow, but they will remember Jesus is their friend in the journey of life. The Lord will work in the hearts of these children and families for years to come. We will continue to invite them into our ministries for children and families, and to come share in worship on Sundays. 

Great work was done for the 86 registered children as All Saints’ shared that friendship with God is a dive worth taking! Over 40 volunteers served on-site the week of VBS, gifting their time and talents, and another 35 or more contributed by making decorations at home, attending Craft/Pack Days, Decor Days, and even purchasing snacks for the kids!

In the process of putting VBS into action and in the exciting full week of a dynamic VBS, the church extends the gospel, friendship with Jesus, and the love of the body of Christ to parents, adult volunteers, and our Youth.

These testimonies were expressed to me during the week of VBS:

One of our young moms writes, “My daughter said she wishes VBS could last forever....Today and yesterday when I asked her what her favorite part was, she said ‘everything!’ Your hard work is greatly appreciated by us! She is having an amazing week, and I know each moment is bringing her closer to Jesus which is more precious than we can put into words.”

A mom of a serving Youth writes, “Thank you for all the hard work you have put into VBS. I really appreciate you finding the perfect spot for my son. He was hesitant before but now loves it. On Monday he told me he was glad to be helping with games and was enjoying it.”

An ASC mom of a rising 8th-grader shares, “Thank you for helping my son find a place at VBS. He thought he wanted to be on the worship team, but when that didn't work out, you helped him find something he really enjoys...he loves the science and skits! My oldest daughter can't wait to be a helper next year. All my kids are lovin’ VBS!”

From a Preschool Teacher Volunteer (see video below):My preschool kids just love VBS....Some of the kids were singing Scuba worship songs in English and Spanish (after VBS)!”

Thank you again to EVERYONE for your contributions, big or small! All Saints’ Church truly brought Jesus to so many children, a sacrificial investment and mission that is truly appreciated!

Tara Pedersen, Director of Children’s Ministry