July 28 - August 3, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.! Our kids will learn to trust Jesus in a wild world!
VBS: Friendship with God Extended to 86 Children
July 28 is VBS Celebration Sunday! 10 a.m. Service and All-Church Picnic
Celebrate with us this Sunday, July 28 at one combined VBS Sunday Celebration service at 10 a.m.! Have your children wear their VBS t-shirts and join in on all the VBS songs to celebrate friendship with Jesus. Activity bags will be provided for each child. Come watch the VBS slideshow! Nursery provided for ages 5 and under.
Following the 10 a.m. service, everyone is invited to the VBS Celebration Picnic at 11:30 a.m. Hot dogs, chips, watermelon, a Moonbounce, SCUBA gear, Slip ‘n’ Slide for the kids, trykes, and, of course, VBS games and music will all be part of the festivities! Bring a lawn chair. An extra-large covered tent with tables and chairs will also be available to provide shade.
Thank You for Your VBS Snack Donations!
VBS Commissioning Sunday is July 21
Calling all SCUBA VBS volunteers! Get ready to make a splash as we lead children to dive into friendship with God July 22-26! Everyone serving at any time during VBS week is asked to wear their SCUBA VBS t-shirt on Sunday, July 21, as Father Scott will be inviting the church to pray over us at both the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. services to commission us for mission. Need a t-shirt (specifically labeled with “All Saints' Church”)? We have plenty for anyone that wants one! Contact Tara at tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org or stop by the church office.
VBS Decor Setup Day Saturday, July 20
The decorations have been made, now it's time to transform our church into an under-the-sea world on Saturday, July 20, at 1 p.m.! Jobs for everyone: hang high, hang low, splish or splash the walls, corners, ceilings, and classrooms with blue seas, sea animals, ocean life, and coral reefs. Guidance is provided and for those who prefer to keep two feet on the sand, we have jobs for you too! This is an all-church invite starting at 1 p.m.; come and go as you are able. Contact Tara at tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org with questions or for more info.
July 2024 PGC Class
Protecting God's Children at All Saints’ Church is a required workshop for all those 14 and older who volunteer with youth and children (Sunday School Leaders/Assistants, Nursery attendants, Youth Ministry, etc). The next class offered will be Monday, July 15, 7-9 p.m.
Nursery and childcare for children in third grade and younger will be made available upon request at least one week prior to the class. Please RSVP to Tara with any childcare needs. Everyone who plans to attend the workshop is asked to register by emailing Tara at tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org
VBS Craft, Snack, & Pack Day
Come join in the fun of helping pack up bundles of crafts, snacks, and packs for our upcoming SCUBA VBS! Come to the church office for refreshments and be VBS helping hands to bundle supplies for the children on Monday, July 8, from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
RSVPs helpful to Tara at tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org
VBS Decor Party Thursday, June 20
Evening VBS Decor Party! VBS is so grateful to God for using you this past Monday at our first VBS Decor Day! You are making VBS colorful, joyful, and ready for an under the sea adventure to SCUBA dive into friendship with God this July 22-26! If you couldn't make the daytime VBS Decor Day, you can still contribute! Come help with VBS decorations as we create and decorate for 2024 SCUBA VBS on Thursday, June 20, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm. Creativity not required … lots of little (but fun!) jobs to help out with and plenty of guidance available. Refreshments provided. Ages 8 and up welcome, especially Youth! RSVPs helpful to Tammy at tbailey4kids@aol.com or Tara at tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org