Road to Resurrection Sign-ups!

Participate in the tradition of the Road to Resurrection Easter Weekend Family Event! Join in for a family and community outdoor Easter event filled with Bible-time experiences that will engage participants of all ages, right here on church grounds, including a baby animal petting zoo and Easter Egg Hunt! 

This year, signups will be in the atrium at the Resurrection Kiosk on February 4 & 11, after Sunday services. All ages are needed to fill 13 scenes from the praising streets of Jerusalem to the celebrations at the empty tomb that first Easter morning! Costumed roles are asked to attend one mini-rehearsal (after Ash Wednesday) for one hour or less. The Road to Resurrection date this year is Saturday, March 30, 10 am-1 pm!  Contact Tara at with any questions.

Parents Valentine's Date Night!

Refresh your marriage with an evening together without the children, or single parents, refresh yourself! Our Lil' Saints' children are welcome to be dropped off at the church on Friday, February 16, 6-9 pm.  Parents, both married and single, can take time away to refresh while their children enjoy a fun evening of a pizza dinner, games, a short movie, a Valentine's craft, and play with their church friends. Ages 0-5th grade. (6th graders are welcome with younger siblings). This is a FREE event. However, if you'd like your child to have the pizza dinner (pizza slices, applesauce/apple slices), the cost is $5/child payable by cash or check to ASC (or online through the registration form). Church families only, please.

Registration required by 2/13 here.

Children's Eucharist Class Starting Soon

Designed for children in third grade and older, this interactive, activity-centered class prepares children to celebrate their “First Communion” on Easter Sunday. Please sign up by Ash Wednesday, February 14 for the four-week class, which will take place on February 25, March 3, March 10, and March 17 from 1-2 p.m. in the Children’s Wing. The workbook may be purchased on the first day of class for $18.00.  One parent must attend each class with their child. 

Please sign up no later than February 14 by contacting Tara Pedersen at or by calling the church office at 703-670-0093.

Glimpses of Hope from Kairos Cookie Ministry

Thank you so much for your exceptional support for Kairos #44 held in October, 2023 at CentralVA Correctional Unit in Chesterfield, VA. Though there were many challenges, God was in charge! Because of your generous gifts of cookies (105 dozen from ASC), prayers (the prayer chain was 52 feet long) , and financial support the participants experienced the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. They were overwhelmed by the love from people they did not know.

Here are some of thoughts expressed at the closing ceremony.

  • I came: broken, hurt, rejected, lonely. Did God love us? Is He mad at us?

  • I found: Family of new sisters, peace and contentment, forgiveness, compassion, spiritual shift, abundant love and acceptance, new “Son” glasses.

  • Taking with us: Forgiveness of self and others, healing, real love from real people with real problems.

Individual speakers:

  • Unforgiveness towards family, seeing God’s unconditional love, how could I not forgive others?

  • Didn’t have to be what I grew up around. I have choices.

  • We want to be loved, accepted, and fit in! And we do in the Kingdom.

  • Learned a lot, one of the best experiences in my life. Thanking God!

Also during the closing ceremony one of the senior correctional officers came to the podium, unannounced and unexpected! He expressed his gratitude for the Kairos ministry and the changes it brought about in the participants. He told us to let him know if we needed anything. This has never happened at CVCU.

The next Kairos weekend for CVCU is scheduled for April 18- 21. We always need more team members! If you feel God calling you to bring Christ’s unconditional love to incarcerated women please contact Carol Updike, Suzy Speare, or Debbie Morrison, More details coming on how the congregation can support Kairos #45.

Pray for Our Youth Group at Camp Booyah This Weekend

This weekend our Youth Group Teens and several adult leaders will be away at Watermarks Retreat Center for the winter camp Booyah Brrrr! This three-night camp is a shorter version of the summer camp. Teens are invited to enter into the Anglican way of worshiping together and get to know other teenagers from Anglican churches in the ACNA. Pray for the teens as they are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus and challenged to follow him more closely.


  • Susannah Pedersen

  • Esther Goeller

  • Ivey Pachecano

  • Sarah-Joy Reichert

  • John Pedersen

  • Isaac McHargue

  • Aaron SaJous

  • Isaac Fair

  • Leo Manning


  • Jedd Trenum

  • Heidi Reichert

  • Lilliana McCloy

  • Reilly Pachecano

  • Jackson McHargue

A Christian Response to Anti-Semitism- You're Invited to This Virtual Event!

With the sharp rise in Anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions, now is the time to reflect on how to best respond as followers of Jesus Christ.

In this pre-recorded interview with Darrell Bock, Randy Newman, and Tom Tarrants the C.S. Lewis Institute examines the history of Anti-Semitism beginning from the biblical period through today, the myths and false teachings used to promote Anti-Semitism, and current Anti-Semitic trends.  This will be followed with some suggested ways in which Christians can lovingly, thoughtfully, and truthfully respond to Anti-Semitism.

Date:  Friday, January 19, 2024
Speaker: Darrell Bock, Randy Newman, and Tom Tarrants
Time:  8:00 – 9:15 pm ET
Location:  Virtual

Click HERE to register to this free, virtual event!

C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program Opening Soon

Do you want to experience the power of a transformed life?

The Fellows Program challenges and guides you on your journey toward spiritual maturity with an emphasis on both heart and mind. Fellows continue in their church life while participating in this yearlong program, and requirements are designed to be achievable even for busy professionals with families.

The program focuses on spiritual formation, evangelism, apologetics and calling. Each month, a biblical theme is examined through Bible study, lecture, mentoring, small group interaction, service, and readings from respected authors.

The C.S. Lewis Fellows program offers a tuition-free year of intensive training that leads to significant life-change. The program prepares each Fellow to live a powerful, transformed life in their church, their community and in their workplace. Unlike many discipleship programs, the Fellows program focuses on discipleship of both heart and mind. It involves Bible study, classic readings, lectures, group processing, personal spiritual mentoring and accountability — all in the context of a small group of like-minded believers. This year-long program is designed for those who want to live as fully committed disciples of Jesus Christ and make an impact for him in the world.

Applications open on February 1, 2024.

Annual Meeting Childcare

Childcare for children in 3rd grade and under is provided for the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 28, after the 10 a.m. service.  The meeting will be approximately one hour, and all families with children are encouraged to attend! Register by Thursday, January 26. Snacks will be provided for adults, and children will receive a sack lunch of a deli sandwich, chips, fruit, and cookies. Please register your child for a sack lunch here.

Inclement Weather Notification

With winter weather upon us (and a potential storm headed our way this weekend) we would like to remind you of our inclement weather process. If the church services are cancelled on Sundays we will notify the congregation in the following ways by 6 a.m. Sunday morning:

  • An email blast

  • A pop-up on the church website

  • A change to the voicemail message on the church phones. If you call the church phone number, the voicemail message will indicate if we are closed.

Upcoming Protecting God's Children Training and Nursery Needs

With a growing church, the nursery has rising needs for support. Nursery Attendants are only asked to serve once a month, or as you are able. Can you help fill one of these needs?

  • Sunday mornings, 945am (Sunday School Hour)

  • Sunday eves, 4-6pm (Foundations Bible Study)

  • Monday mornings,The MomCo, 945-1145am (The MomCo)

  • Wednesday Evenings, 6-730pm (Membership/Confirmation Class coming this Spring)

Volunteer nursery attendants enjoy our comfortable nurseries!  A child protection class is required (known as 'Protecting God's Children'), and is offered this coming Tuesday, January 9, 7-9 pm, or can be renewed in one hour online.  Serving in this way ministers to our next generation of Christian families.  Contact Tara at, or call Tara at the church office.