
Statement from ACNA Provincial Assembly Youth Delegates

“… We value what unites us and we want to be intentional to persist in love when we disagree. We want to stay in fellowship with each other and not allow our differences to divide us….”

All Saints’ own Reilly Pachecano (fourth from left) was a youth delegate to Provincial Assembly, which met last month. The delegation published its statement on July 12:

“We, the youth delegates of Assembly 2024, love the Anglican tradition and find depth, beauty, and meaning in the Anglican way of formation, mission, and worship. We value the high emphasis on scripture and the way the cross is central. We look forward to ways that young people can continue to connect with other Anglicans, with local churches outside our denomination, and those in our communities for the sake of the Gospel…. ”

Read the full statement here:

Pray for Our Youth Group at Camp Booyah This Weekend

This weekend our Youth Group Teens and several adult leaders will be away at Watermarks Retreat Center for the winter camp Booyah Brrrr! This three-night camp is a shorter version of the summer camp. Teens are invited to enter into the Anglican way of worshiping together and get to know other teenagers from Anglican churches in the ACNA. Pray for the teens as they are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus and challenged to follow him more closely.


  • Susannah Pedersen

  • Esther Goeller

  • Ivey Pachecano

  • Sarah-Joy Reichert

  • John Pedersen

  • Isaac McHargue

  • Aaron SaJous

  • Isaac Fair

  • Leo Manning


  • Jedd Trenum

  • Heidi Reichert

  • Lilliana McCloy

  • Reilly Pachecano

  • Jackson McHargue

Last VBS Training Opportunity!

We still need more volunteers to support this year’s Vacation Bible School! This Saturday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. is the last VBS training date, and the last chance to learn how you can use your gifts to support this important outreach! This year’s VBS will take place August 1-5 from 9 a.m.- noon. Register here to sign-up for the training!

You can also RSVP to Tara.

A little more about this year’s VBS

Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Celebration, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun at Imagination Station, playing games at Red Rocks Rec, view Kid-Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eat fun treats at Oasis Tastes. Ages Kindergarten graduates through 5th grade. 6th graders and up can serve as Crew Leaders or Assistants! Registration opens Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a preschooler ages 3-5? Quail Trail Preschool VBS is just for Pre-K kids! (Registration priority for volunteers; 20 slots available). Little ones gather with the older kids for Sing & Play Celebration each day (except Day 1 so they can immediately connect with their Crew Leaders & Quail Trail Preschool Area), experience a little less structure and more free-choice play in a simpler learning environment, enjoy PreK Quail Trail  decorations, play on the playground, get messy with irresistible craft and play activities, and have their own interactive Bible Adventure! 

Pray for Our Teens at Camp

Lift up our Youth Group students and leaders in prayer as many of them will be attending the Camp Booyah June 12-17. This summer camp was started to provide students from Anglican Churches a summer camp rooted in the rich liturgy and tradition of the Anglican church, with a missional focus through daily community service projects, and the adventure and fun of competitions and games.

You can worship with the students by listening to the Booyah 2022 playlist below! These songs will be featured at each night’s worship service.

Mark Your Calendar- VBS Training Dates!

Interested in serving at Vacation Bible School this year, but not sure where you’ll fit in? Attend one of the VBS Training Sessions to learn more about the different roles needed for our monumental outreach to children in the community through Vacation Bible School.

This year’s VBS will take place August 1-5 from 9 a.m.- noon. Register here to sign-up for a training date.

  • Monday, June 20, 7-9 p.m.

  • Thursday, July 14, 1-3 p.m.

  • Saturday, July 23, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

You can also RSVP to Tara.

Attend Protecting God's Children Training! As part of Diocesan requirements, all VBS volunteers are required to be PGC trained. Make sure you are certified and up to date!

  • Saturday, June 4, 9:30 a.m.-Noon

  • Tuesday, July 12, 7-9:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, July 21, 7-9:30 p.m.

RSVP to Tara.

A little more about this year’s VBS

Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Celebration, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun at Imagination Station, playing games at Red Rocks Rec, view Kid-Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eat fun treats at Oasis Tastes. Ages Kindergarten graduates through 5th grade. 6th graders and up can serve as Crew Leaders or Assistants! Registration opens Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a preschooler ages 3-5? Quail Trail Preschool VBS is just for Pre-K kids! (Registration priority for volunteers; 20 slots available). Little ones gather with the older kids for Sing & Play Celebration each day (except Day 1 so they can immediately connect with their Crew Leaders & Quail Trail Preschool Area), experience a little less structure and more free-choice play in a simpler learning environment, enjoy PreK Quail Trail  decorations, play on the playground, get messy with irresistible craft and play activities, and have their own interactive Bible Adventure! 

Vacation Bible School- Ways to Get Involved!

Mark Your Calendars for Monumental VBS on-site at All Saints’ Church! Our children will go off-road August 1-5, 9 a.m.- Noon, for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of the Southwest where kids form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead! 

How can you help prepare for the Awesome Adventure?

  1. Help create, paint, twist, splash, sponge, wrap at our VBS Decor Parties! Come to the church Monday, May 23, 10 a.m.-Noon, and/or Wednesday, June 1, 6:30-8:30p p.m. Creativity is not required; we will instruct and guide you every step of the way. Refreshments served.  RSVP to Tammy Bailey.

  2. Attend VBS Training! If you love seeing kids faces light up, then you are perfect!

    Dates are:

    • Monday, June 20, 7-9 p.m.

    • Thursday, July 14, 1-3 p.m.

    • Saturday, July 23, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

    RSVP to Tara.

  3. Attend Protecting God's Children Training! As part of Diocesan requirements, all VBS volunteers are required to be PGC trained. Make sure you are certified and up to date!

    • Saturday, June 4, 9:30 a.m.-Noon

    • Tuesday, July 12, 7-9:30 p.m.

    • Thursday, July 21, 7-9:30 p.m.

RSVP to Tara.

A little more about this year’s VBS

Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Celebration, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun at Imagination Station, playing games at Red Rocks Rec, view Kid-Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eat fun treats at Oasis Tastes. Ages Kindergarten graduates through 5th grade. 6th graders and up can serve as Crew Leaders or Assistants! Registration opens Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a preschooler ages 3-5? Quail Trail Preschool VBS is just for Pre-K kids! (Registration priority for volunteers; 20 slots available). Little ones gather with the older kids for Sing & Play Celebration each day (except Day 1 so they can immediately connect with their Crew Leaders & Quail Trail Preschool Area), experience a little less structure and more free-choice play in a simpler learning environment, enjoy PreK Quail Trail  decorations, play on the playground, get messy with irresistible craft and play activities, and have their own interactive Bible Adventure! 

Our AHG Troop Invites you to Compete in the Souperbowl of Caring

We are adding a friendly competition to prepare for the February Food Giveaway! We are participating in the Souperbowl of Caring. This event encourages volunteers across the nation to donate cans of soup (and other items) to food pantries everywhere. Your donations will support the February food giveaway here at All Saints'.

Bring your February food giveaway donations to All Saints’ on Sunday, February 6. Place your donations according to your favorite Superbowl LVI Team (or the commercials). Our American Heritage Girls Troop will count the donations. Then we’ll announce the totals on Superbowl Sunday!

Donations needed most:

  • Cans of Soup (worth double points for your team!)

  • Pasta sauce

  • Maseca (masa instantanea)

  • Cans of Corn Oats

Questions? Contact Heidi.

Learn more about the Souperbowl of Caring here.

Sign up to serve at the February Food Giveaway here.

Daytime Vacation Bible School Winter Decor Day!

Daytime Vacation Bible School Winter Decor Day!

Join the party! Come help with Vacation Bible School decorations early this year, as we give ourselves even more time to create and decorate for 2022 VBS. Creativity not required! Lots of little (but fun) jobs to help out with plenty of guidance.

Pray for Our Teens at Camp!

Please pray for our youth group as they attend their winter retreat- The Booyah Brrr! They will drive down this Friday evening and return Monday afternoon.

Pray that the teens will be able to decompress and draw near to the Lord, without the distraction of complicated learning environments and social media. Every day, they will be taught from the Word and have time to process it alone and with others. Please pray for the youth leaders who will be traveling down with them.

Teen ySummit

Youth & parents! You are invited to participate in the annual "Anglicans for Life YSummit" watch party at All Saints' Church on the evening of Thursday, Jan 20. Anglicans for Life want the youth in Anglican churches to fully understand the worth of all human life, including their own. Please come to this youth-centered Life event full of engaging content from pro-life advocates, abortion survivors, and church leaders. Stay tuned for more details! Email Jedd+ with any questions.

Pray for Our Teens at Camp June 13-18!

Please pray for the teens in our Youth Group as they depart for Camp Booyah on Sunday, June 13 for a week of worship, connection, and a variety of outdoor activities. Rooted in the liturgy and tradition of the Anglican church, our teens will experience morning prayer and compline with teens from other Anglican churches. Each morning, campers will also serve those in need in the local community through a variety of mission projects.

You can pray specifically for:

  • Safe travel to and from camp

  • Fellowship amongst the teens

  • Endurance for the adult leaders

  • Strengthening of the students’ faith and ability to share it as they return home from camp

  • Deep and lasting engagement with God