Dorcas Ministry / Needlework

The Dorcas Ministry (previously known as the Needlework Ministry) meets in the Children’s Wing (Heaven room) 9:30-11:30 a.m. You are welcome to bring crocheting, knitting, sewing, and other items to work on while we are gathered, as well as items you have completed. We will bless and collect completed items for distribution to the poor, the sick, and the needy.

Why did we change the name? The word needlework refers to a small subset of what we create for others and we wanted a name that speaks to a broader application. Dorcas was a disciple of Jesus and lived in the town of Joppa, a city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. She was a charitable person who made things for the needy. You can read about her in Acts 9:36-42, including Peter’s restoration of her life.

The Needlework Ministry meets the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the multi-purpose room.

Contact Deacon Julie with questions and to check the schedule.

Berenice Harris Funeral Livestream

Our beloved sister in Christ, Berenice Harris, former member of All Saints’ Church, passed away and went to be with the Lord last Friday morning. Please be in prayer for her husband George and their family. The funeral will take place Saturday, March 2 at 10 a.m. You can watch the livestream on Facebook here.

Cards and condolences can be sent to Berenice’s neice:

Olayinka Thomas
4630 CainCreek Trail
Lilburn, GA 30047

Family Sunday School Seder Meal

Families with Children are invited! Sunday, March 10, 9:45-10:45 am, is our tradition of the Family Sunday School Seder Meal. We will be treated to what has become an annual blessing for the children of All Saints’ Church, the Seder Meal teaching! Children, ages mature 3 and up, are invited to come with their parents.

Upon arriving for the Seder teaching and meal, they will be directed to sit with their family. The tables will be low to the ground and children will be seated on the floor with parents. Sunday School teacher, Dawn Smutz, will provide the instruction that accompanies each portion of the meal. Children will be encouraged to try each food offering and participate in the reading of the scripture.

March Men's Breakfast

All men of All Saints’ and their guests are invited to breakfast at All Saints’ Church at 7.30 a.m. on May 18. We will enjoy a time of food, fellowship, prayer, teaching, and ministry updates. We will conclude at 9 a.m. so you can enjoy family and other activities.  

Please contact Jim Morrison at 571-338-5774 by text or voice to help ensure a good amount of food is available.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”  Ps 34.8

Coffee Hour Sunday, April 21: In addition to the Men’s Breakfast, the Men’s Ministry will be assisting in supporting the monthly Coffee Hour after the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, April 21. 

Spring Parish Workday

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 16 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. when we will gather for our seasonal Spring Parish Workday!

Tasks to complete:

1.  Spread mulch in gardens closest to the church.

2. Cleanup Gideon Drive

3.  Wash mildew from the north side of the church.

4.  Add flowers to planters at the main entrance.

5. Dust kneelers in the Sanctuary.

Please bring:

  • Iron rakes

  • Shovels

  • Pruning shears

  • Work gloves

Abortion Recovery Class

Have you experienced the pain and regret of an abortion in your past? Do you desire God’s spiritual and emotional healing?

Each woman is different in how she carries the burden of abortion and not all women are affected in the same way. But abortion can affect a woman, physically, emotionally, and most importantly…spiritually.  The shame, guilt, and remorse are often so overwhelming that it is difficult to share the pain. And it is the best kept secret among women.

You are not alone!!! Abortion recovery offers what no other place in our communities can: freedom from guilt and grief. It is a place to share with other women who have had a similar experience.   

All Saints’, along with Life First, is offering a 10-week Abortion Recovery Bible study for women who desire the Lord’s healing in this area of their lives. It is scripture-based and allows God to take your hand and lead you down the path of emotional healing. Strict confidentiality is the rule and no one’s personal information is ever shared.

  • Dates: Monday, April 1 through June 10th. 7-9 pm.

For more information contact Suzy Speare at 703-861-5994(cell) or

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Tuesday, February 13 is Shrove Tuesday and All Saints’ Church will continue the tradition of the annual Pancake Dinner! The dinner will take place from 5-7:30 p.m. in the atrium. So that we know how much food to prepare, please RSVP to attend by Wednesday, February 7. We also need many people to help serve the day of and with set up before. Please click the button below to sign up to serve. Donations are accepted at the event.

Lent Resources

Beginning on Ash Wednesday (February 14) and lasting for 40 days, Lent is a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter. Our clergy and staff have carefully cultivated this list of resources and Sunday offerings for you to enter into a holy Lent. Below you will find our Sunday School offerings for adults, and additional resources including devotionals, books, and online.