small groups

August 2024 Adult Discipleship Offerings

Adult Sunday School Hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.):

Small Group Studies continue during the Sunday School hour. Please enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and fellowship with fellow parishioners in one of the following offerings:

“Acts,” continuing in the Administrative Conference Room

A study of The Holy Spirit moving in dramatic ways in the early church continues and is open to all who are interested or curious. Please contact Jim Morrison (571.338.5774) if you have questions.

“30 Days to Understanding the Bible” by Max Anders, continuing in the Creation Room

In this six-session video Bible study, used in conjunction with the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, Max Anders explores the Bible's key people, places, events and messages in bite-sized pieces to increase your knowledge of the Bible and understand the doctrines of the Christian faith. This class is open to all who are interested or curious and is hosted by Art Pedersen.

Homebound Christian Education that meets via Zoom on Thursday evenings is taking a break during August with plans to resume in September. Please watch for future announcements!

NEW!! Foundations For Ministry Year 2 – New Testament
September 2024 - June 2025 Sign-up begins in August

This class begins on September 8 and meets on Sunday afternoons from 4 to 6 p.m., September 2024 through June 2025. A workbook (cost: $40) provides weekly homework and guides the class through each lesson. A prerequisite for this class is Foundations for Ministry Year 1 – Old Testament. Class meets in the Administrative Conference Room in the Administrative Wing. To register, or if you have questions, please call or text Jim Morrison at 571.338.5774 or send email to