Our All Saints' participation in the Anglicans for Life World's Largest Baby Shower ends this Sunday, May 26.
Scuba Adopt-a-Prop
Thank You for Your VBS Donations!
Baby Bottle Return Date Getting Close...
Volunteers Needed for the May Food Giveaway
VBS Crew Leader Interest Meeting
May Food Giveaway
Scuba Adopt-a-Prop
Calling All Saints’ Men to Help Celebrate Mother's Day!
A Special Work Day & Lunch
Meals for Ferlazzo Shelter
World’s Largest Baby Shower Continues
Volunteers Needed for April Food Giveaway
Block Party Volunteers at Featherstone Elementary
Featherstone Elementary School is looking for volunteers (ages 14+) willing to work at game stations at their annual Block Party on Friday, April 19, from 5:15-7:15 p.m.
Baby Bottles for Life First
April Food Giveaway
The World's Largest Baby Shower
Kairos Ministry: April 18-21
Road to Resurrection Candy and Door Prize Donations Needed!
Support our mission to those neighborhoods surrounding Gideon Drive by donating candy to the Easter Egg Hunt at the Road to Resurrection! Candies will be put together into goodie bags this year, so size requirements are no longer limited. Please bring them to the front office 9-4 M-Th, the atrium on any Sunday morning, or contact Tara for pickup. For ease of contributing, an Amazon Wish List for ASC is also available, with shipping directly to the church office, provided at this link.
At the Road to Resurrection there will also be a Door Prize Drawing offering special gifts for children. If you would be interested in donating a brand new gift item for children, such as a bicycle with helmet or scooter(s), Easter stuffed animals, yard games, or any other treasured childhood toy, please contact Tara Pedersen at
tpedersen@allsaintswoodbridge.org or by calling 703-670-0093.