
Missionary Heroes Visit Children's Church!

As we transition into late summer, Children’s Church is featuring six weeks of Missionary Heroes! Missionary Heroes began last Sunday, August 1, with one of our very own missionaries from All Saints’ Church- Bethany Fair.

Each week the children will be led by some very special guests, as they highlight a hero for Jesus-a Missionary Hero of the week! Our first Missionary Hero was Bethany Fair, a teacher (going into her second year this fall) who experienced a short-term mission a few years ago to Eswatini, Africa (also known as Swaziland). Her send-off and support came from her college, Southern Nazarene University, along with All Saints' Church. Her parents are still part of All Saints’, Jon and Lisa Fair. Bethany is now teaching in Oklahoma, but did a video teaching for our children last Sunday. This was a great opportunity for our children to learn about a missionary hero, who came from our own church!

This week Children’s Church will continue learning about missionaries to Africa. Connie Odems will lead the children in learning about the first African American female missionary, Louise Celia Fleming! What an honor this will be to not only for the children to hear about Ms. Fleming, but also to hear from Connie herself, a gifted Bible teacher of many years at All Saints’ Church.

Here is Bethany on her mission trip to Eswatini!

Here is Bethany on her mission trip to Eswatini!

VBS Volunteer Commissioning

Calling all VBS Treasure Hunters! Before we have amazing encounters with Jesus and our community throughout next week’s Vacation Bible School, let's wear our VBS t-shirts this coming Sunday, July 18 (either service). We will be commissioned and sent out on mission! Fr. Scott will invite us to stand for a prayer of commissioning during the Sunday services as we prepare our hearts to show the children in our community how treasured they are!

Sign Up for the Food Giveaway - July 10

Sign Up for the Food Giveaway -  July 10

We have been hearing great reports from our community regarding our food giveaways! Thank you for your generosity and service that has made this happen. Our next food giveaway is June 12. Here's how you can help!

Only 9 slots left for Treasured Vacation Bible School!

Spaces have been filling up for our Treasured VBS beginning next Monday, July 19 through Friday, July 23 (9 a.m.-12 p.m.). To register click the VBS Website button below!

Our children discover they are priceless to God as they embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. This is the summer event that helps kids discover God's greatest treasure isn't diamonds, gems, or gold—it's them! Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Rock, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun take-home Gizmos, playing games that reinforce the day's Bible Point, viewing Kid Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eating fun treats at Vine Dining Snacks.

Treasured VBS Is Coming to All Saints'!

Treasured VBS Is Coming to All Saints'!

Our children discover they are priceless to God July 19-23, as they embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles! This is the summer event that helps kids discover God's greatest treasure isn't diamonds, gems, or gold-it's them!

Sign Up for the Food Giveaway -

Sign Up for the Food Giveaway -

We have been hearing great reports from our community regarding our food giveaways! Thank you for your generosity and service that has made this happen. Our next food giveaway is June 12. Here's how you can help!

Send Our Youth to Camp!

Send Our Youth to Camp!

The youth of All Saints’ are heading to Camp Booyah this summer for a week of Anglican formation, worship, Bible study, service, and summer camp fun at Watermarks in Scottsville, VA. The directors of this camp encourage youth attending to do “sweat-equity” to help pay for their time away at Watermarks.