After VBS finishes on July 26, the Sanctuary will again be available for Midweek Eucharist. Beginning on Wednesday, July 31, our 6:30 a.m. & 8 a.m. Midweek Eucharist services will take place in the Sanctuary. We appreciate your flexibility!
Thank You for Your VBS Snack Donations!
Men's Prayer Breakfast July 20
Men of All Saints’ and their guests are invited to breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 20, at All Saints’ Church. We will enjoy a time of food, fellowship, prayer, teaching, and ministry updates. We’ll conclude by 9 a.m. so men can enjoy family and other weekend activities. Please contact Jim Morrison at 571.338.5774 by text or voice to help ensure a good amount of food is available.
VBS Commissioning Sunday is July 21
Calling all SCUBA VBS volunteers! Get ready to make a splash as we lead children to dive into friendship with God July 22-26! Everyone serving at any time during VBS week is asked to wear their SCUBA VBS t-shirt on Sunday, July 21, as Father Scott will be inviting the church to pray over us at both the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. services to commission us for mission. Need a t-shirt (specifically labeled with “All Saints' Church”)? We have plenty for anyone that wants one! Contact Tara at or stop by the church office.
VBS Decor Setup Day Saturday, July 20
The decorations have been made, now it's time to transform our church into an under-the-sea world on Saturday, July 20, at 1 p.m.! Jobs for everyone: hang high, hang low, splish or splash the walls, corners, ceilings, and classrooms with blue seas, sea animals, ocean life, and coral reefs. Guidance is provided and for those who prefer to keep two feet on the sand, we have jobs for you too! This is an all-church invite starting at 1 p.m.; come and go as you are able. Contact Tara at with questions or for more info.
Readings and Collect for Sunday, July 7 (Proper 9, The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost)
No Storytime in the Park July 4 or July 11
July 2024 PGC Class
Protecting God's Children at All Saints’ Church is a required workshop for all those 14 and older who volunteer with youth and children (Sunday School Leaders/Assistants, Nursery attendants, Youth Ministry, etc). The next class offered will be Monday, July 15, 7-9 p.m.
Nursery and childcare for children in third grade and younger will be made available upon request at least one week prior to the class. Please RSVP to Tara with any childcare needs. Everyone who plans to attend the workshop is asked to register by emailing Tara at
July Birthdays and Anniversaries
We thank God for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month!
If your name is missing from these lists, it is because the church office does not have that information for you on file. Please contact the office so we may accurately update our records.
Readings and Collect for Sunday, July 14 (Proper 10, The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost)
No Morning Prayer or Compline Through the Summer
Wednesday Morning Prayer and Friday evening Compline, held on Zoom, will be on hiatus through the summer. Watch this space for updates!
ACNA Bishops Elect New Archbishop
The Rt. Rev. Steve Wood, Bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas, was elected Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America by the College of Bishops before Provincial Assembly began on June 24. He will serve as the third archbishop of the ACNA for a term of five years, with maximum service of two terms. Learn more here.
July 2024 Adult Discipleship Offerings
Adult Discipleship Offerings in July 2024
During Our Sunday School Hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.)
Small Group Studies continue during the Sunday School hour. Please enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and fellowship with fellow parishioners in one of the following offerings:
“Acts” A study of the Holy Spirit moving in dramatic ways in the early church continues and is open to all who are interested or curious. A study guide by John Stott plus selected video segments guides this study. Study guides are available for $12 each (Kindle version is $10.49 if you choose to order on your own). Meets in the Administrative Conference Room in the Administrative Wing. Please contact Jim Morrison (571.338.5774) if you have questions.
The Good and Beautiful Life by James Bryan Smith
Continuing in the Bishop’s Conference Room (second floor of the Administrative Wing) This deep, loving and transformative book will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by—to know the Lord he knew and the kingdom he proclaimed—and to practice spiritual exercises that will help you grow in the knowledge of our good and beautiful God.
This study will meet in the Bishop’s area (second floor) above All Saints’ Administration Wing. Books will be available on the first day of class for $10 each (Kindle version is $14.24 if you choose to order on your own). Coffee/Tea will be provided.
For Young Adults/College Students: Louie Giglio’s “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at the Table”
Continuing in July, this video Bible study by bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio unpacks Psalm 23 to offer insight into how to overcome the enemy's lies and find peace and spiritual security in any circumstance or situation. God has prepared a table for you. Come and join us. We meet in the Creation Room in the Children’s Wing. Please contact Art Pedersen (571.991.6927) if you have questions.
30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders.
Starting July 21. In this six-session video Bible study, used in conjunction with the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, Max Anders explores the Bible's key people, places, events, and messages in bite-sized pieces to increase your knowledge of the Bible and understand the doctrines of the Christian faith. This class will meet in the Creation Room and will be hosted by Art Pedersen.
"The Prodigal God" by Tim Keller
Continuing on Thursdays at 7 – 8.30 p.m. via Zoom.
An opportunity for study and fellowship for those of you who haven't been able to gather in person: Zoom is the answer. Deacon Julie, Kat Zwingle, and Lexie Miller are hosting a Zoom group on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 pm. Through the end of July, they are reading The Prodigal God by Tim Keller, watching short video clips from the author, and discussing each chapter. This is a new and startling look at a parable you think you know. After July, a new study will be announced. If you want to join, all you need is a computer or a smart phone, and internet service. If you don’t know how to use Zoom, we can help! Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton at
Readings and Collect for Sunday, June 30 (Proper 8, The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost)
Join the Music Ministry Team!
There's still abundant opportunity to join the Music Ministry Team at All Saints’, either as an instrumentalist, a vocalist, or a member of the renewed choir! The sign-up sheet is out in the Atrium. Eric McAfee, our Music Director, will reach out to each individual who signs up to better understand interest and comfort levels in contributing to musical praise and worship.
VBS Craft, Snack, & Pack Day
Come join in the fun of helping pack up bundles of crafts, snacks, and packs for our upcoming SCUBA VBS! Come to the church office for refreshments and be VBS helping hands to bundle supplies for the children on Monday, July 8, from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
RSVPs helpful to Tara at
Donuts for Dads
Thank you to everyone who helped make Donuts for Dads a huge success on Father’s Day Sunday! We loved the gorgeous cake our own Debbie made for the event — delicious!
Enjoy more photos here
Pray for Provincial Assembly
The Anglican Church in North America’s Provincial Assembly meets Monday, June 24 through Friday, June 28 in Latrobe, PA. The Conclave of the College of Bishops begins Thursday, June 20, during which the next Archbishop will be chosen. Please keep both of these gatherings in prayer. Learn more here.