There are still a few seats left!
All Saints' Youth Meets on Sunday Evenings Beginning September 8
Interested in Baptism? Register for Our Training Class
Readings and Collect for Sunday, August 25 (Proper 16, The Foureenth Sunday after Pentecost)
New Date: Acolyte Training September 29
Please be in touch with Anita McHargue at or 703-505-4025 by September 25 if you are planning to attend.
Hey Mamas: Looking for that Village? MomCo is Here!
Help Grow the Faith of a Young Parent
GriefShare begins September 9
7-9 p.m. on Zoom A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Register here: Questions? Contact Deacon Julie Tilton.
Help Provide Meals to Hilda Barg September 9-12, 2024
All Saints’ Church is a member of the Cooperative Council of Ministries (CCoM) of Prince William County. We are scheduled to provide meals at Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center September 9-12, 2024 and we need many hands to help contribute to this important community ministry. This is a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
Food is to be delivered each evening between 6:30 and 7 p.m.
Click on a date below to see how you can help serve:
Please note, you may change menu items, provided you stay with the theme for that day. Small groups or teams are also encouraged to consider sharing meals on a given day. Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton with any questions. Thank you for your support.