Fasting is one of the pillars of the season of Lent.
Ash Wednesday is March 5
Ash Wednesday is February 14
Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of repentance and self-examination as we walk toward the Cross. The tradition of the Imposition of Ashes is a powerful and Biblical way to begin this penitential season in deep humility and prayer. Join us at any of the following times for this important service.
Ash Wednesday is February 22
Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of repentance and self-examination as we walk towards the Cross. The tradition of the Imposition of Ashes is a powerful and Biblical way to begin this penitential season in deep humility and prayer. Join us at noon or 7 p.m. for this important service. Childcare will be provided at the 7 p.m. service.
A Message From Father Scott on Lent
Click the video below to watch Father Scott’s video to the congregation. He will share several upcoming events including:
Ash Wednesday’s importance and service schedule.
Encouragement to look at the Lent resource list.
Upcoming Sunday School opportunities during Lent for all ages-children, teens, and adults.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of repentance and self-examination as we walk towards the Cross. The tradition of the Imposition of Ashes is a powerful and Biblical way to begin this penitential season in deep humility and prayer. Join us at noon or 7 p.m. for this important service. Childcare will be provided at the 7 p.m. service.
Children's Eucharist Class
Children’s Eucharist Class Opportunity Offered- Designed for children third grade aged and older, this interactive, activity centered class prepares children to celebrate their “First Communion” on Easter Sunday.
Please sign up by Ash Wednesday, March 2nd for the four week class, which will take place on Sundays (March 13, 20, 27, and April 3) from 1-2 p.m. in the Children’s Wing. A workbook may be purchased the first day of class for no more than $25. (Details provided at registration). One parent must attend each class with their child. Please sign up no later than March 2 by contacting Tara Pedersen or by calling the church office at 703-670-0093.