
Spring Parish Workday

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 16 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. when we will gather for our seasonal Spring Parish Workday!

Tasks to complete:

1.  Spread mulch in gardens closest to the church.

2. Cleanup Gideon Drive

3.  Wash mildew from the north side of the church.

4.  Add flowers to planters at the main entrance.

5. Dust kneelers in the Sanctuary.

Please bring:

  • Iron rakes

  • Shovels

  • Pruning shears

  • Work gloves

Serve the Homeless This Month: Streetlight Meal June 29

On June 29 All Saints' Church will provide a meal to the homeless through Streetlight Ministries. We will be feeding 75 people that evening! Food & drinks should be dropped off ready to serve at the Pathways Vineyard Church between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Food should be warm and ready to serve. The point of contact at the church is Linda Coleman.

Location: Pathway Vineyard Church, 1550 Prince William Pkwy., Woodbridge

Click below to see meal instructions, what is needed, and sign up. Thank you!

Protecting God's Children Class Coming Soon!

Do you need to renew your Protecting God’s Children certification? Want to get your 14 year old and older teen involved in VBS this summer? Are you a parent? Protecting God’s Children at All Saints’ Church, a required workshop for all those 14 and older who volunteer with youth and children (VBS, children's church, Nursery, Youth Group, etc.). The next session will be offered Monday, March 7, 7-9:30 p.m. in the children’s wing.

Parent's Valentine's Date Night!

Refresh your marriage with an evening together without the children, or single parents refresh yourself!

All children are welcome to be dropped off at the church Friday, February 11, 6-9 p.m.  Parents- both married and single can take time away to refresh while their children enjoy a fun evening of a pizza dinner, games, a short movie, a Valentine craft, and play with their church friends. Ages 0-5th grade. This is a FREE event, however if you'd like your child to have the pizza dinner (pizza slices, applesauce/apple slices), the cost is $5/child payable by cash or check to ASC. Church families only please.

Registration required by 2/9 here.

Daytime Vacation Bible School Winter Decor Day!

Daytime Vacation Bible School Winter Decor Day!

Join the party! Come help with Vacation Bible School decorations early this year, as we give ourselves even more time to create and decorate for 2022 VBS. Creativity not required! Lots of little (but fun) jobs to help out with plenty of guidance.

Servant "Hearts" Needed!

Protecting God's Children Trained Servant "Hearts" requested for Parents' Valentine Date Night on Friday, February 11, 6-9p.m.

Parents-single and married, can enjoy some time away to refresh while their children enjoy an evening of safe and seasonal fun with their church family. We need PGC trained servant "hearts" to serve in nursery OR with elementary children; please RSVP to Tara. Pizza dinner provided. More details and registration coming soon!

Perishable Food Drive This Week!

We still need donations to the perishable food drive tomorrow (Friday) from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Additionally, you may drop off perishables in the kitchen if you are attending the Epiphany service this evening (January 6).

While all food is welcome, some of the non-perishable items most needed include:

  • Corn

  • Pasta Sauce

  • Masa Instantanea (maseca)

  • Oats

  • Soups