Abortion Recovery Class

Have you experienced the pain and regret of an abortion in your past? Do you desire God’s spiritual and emotional healing?

Each woman is different in how she carries the burden of abortion and not all women are affected in the same way. But abortion can affect a woman, physically, emotionally, and most importantly…spiritually.  The shame, guilt, and remorse are often so overwhelming that it is difficult to share the pain. And it is the best kept secret among women.

You are not alone!!! Abortion recovery offers what no other place in our communities can: freedom from guilt and grief. It is a place to share with other women who have had a similar experience.   

All Saints’, along with Life First, is offering a 10-week Abortion Recovery Bible study for women who desire the Lord’s healing in this area of their lives. It is scripture-based and allows God to take your hand and lead you down the path of emotional healing. Strict confidentiality is the rule and no one’s personal information is ever shared.

  • Dates: Monday, April 1 through June 10th. 7-9 pm.

For more information contact Suzy Speare at 703-861-5994(cell) or arc@firstcarewomen.com.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Tuesday, February 13 is Shrove Tuesday and All Saints’ Church will continue the tradition of the annual Pancake Dinner! The dinner will take place from 5-7:30 p.m. in the atrium. So that we know how much food to prepare, please RSVP to attend by Wednesday, February 7. We also need many people to help serve the day of and with set up before. Please click the button below to sign up to serve. Donations are accepted at the event.

Lent Resources

Beginning on Ash Wednesday (February 14) and lasting for 40 days, Lent is a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter. Our clergy and staff have carefully cultivated this list of resources and Sunday offerings for you to enter into a holy Lent. Below you will find our Sunday School offerings for adults, and additional resources including devotionals, books, and online.

Lent Adult Education Opportunities

Lent Adult Education Opportunities

Adults will have two new offerings presented in a small group setting each Sunday during the Sunday School Hour from 9:45-10:45 a.m.:

“Jesus’ Final Week”

Starting February 18 in the Creation Room in the Children’s Wing, take a look across the gospels at Jesus as He lives His final week. Come explore His teachings, trials, betrayals, crucifixion, and resurrection.  

“Visio Divina: Divine Interpretation of Art in the Christian Tradition”

Also starting February 18 in the Bishop’s Conference Room (second floor of the Administrative Wing), please join us during Lent as we engage in this ancient practice of interpretation, reading, meditation, and prayer.

How Can You Serve? Road to Resurrection Sign-ups This Sunday!

Last week, we announced that Road to Resurrection signups are coming Sunday, February 4 in the Atrium! This is a church-wide event, and all ages are encouraged to participate, mature 4th graders through adults. Over 70 volunteers make this event happen, including costumed and non-costumed roles.  

This year's Road to Resurrection is Saturday, March 30, 10 am-1 pm. To help you pray where you may best serve, we have compiled a list of the roles to consider, in which you can sign up on Sunday!

A mini rehearsal (no longer than one hour) is arranged for each scene, to be coordinated sometime during Lent. Costumed roles include:

  • Praising People (Triumphant Entry)

  • Jesus entering Jerusalem with the donkey

  • Marketplace Women

  • Jesus at the Passover Meal

  • Disciples at the Passover Meal

  • Jesus praying at the Garden of Gethsemane

  • Sleeping Disciples

  • Jesus Betrayed & Arrested

  • Centurion (arresting Jesus)

  • Judas

  • Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

  • Centurion Wrangles/Demeans Jesus

  • High Priest

  • Peter

  • Sanhedrin

  • Pilate

  • Barabbas

  • Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Simon Carries the Cross/Roman Soldiers Gamble for His Clothing

  • Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus being beaten

  • Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus nailed to cross

  • Storyteller/Scripture Reader of Jesus being crucified

  • Storyteller/Scripture Reader of the Resurrection 

  • Tomb Guard

  • Mary Magdalene

  • Angel


Non-costumed roles include:

  • wood donations for firepits,

  • door prize donations (any Spring toys or outdoor toys for children),

  • Easter Egg Hunt Coordinators

  • Egg Hiders

  • Craft table attendants for kids

  • Morning Setup or Afternoon Take Down

  • hospitality

  • costume assistants

  • door prize announcers

Thank you for considering where you can be part of our Easter outreach!

Confirmation & Membership Course 2024

This spring, the 2024 Confirmation & Membership Course begins for those seeking to become members of the church and confirmed or recieved by Bishop Chris on his visit Sunday, November 3. This course is part of the path to belonging at All Saints’ Church, exploring the Christian faith- beginning with its earliest foundations up to the present day. 

The course will form the understanding of the Faith once for all delivered to the saints! This year there will be two consecutive sessions beginning on Wednesday, March 6 through Wednesday, May 29. Everyone will break for the summer, and resume on September 4 and continue through October 30.  Please email Fr. Jedd+ if you have any questions about whether this course is for you: jtrenum@allsaintswoodbridge.org.

You can also answer the questions in this decision chart below to help you figure out if this course if for you!

Upcoming Baptism Class

All Saints’ next scheduled baptism will be at the Easter Vigil Service on Saturday, March 30 at 7 p.m. The required pre-baptismal discernment class will be held at the church on Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 9:30-11 a.m. for infant and child baptisms, and from noon until 1:30 p.m. for teens and adults wishing to be baptized.

To register, please contact Deacon Julie Tilton via email or by phone 703-670-0093. This public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ takes place during Sunday morning worship on or near four occasions each year: Pentecost, All Saints’ Day, The Baptism of Our Lord (the Sunday after the Epiphany), and Easter Vigil (a Saturday evening service).

More information about the meaning of baptism can be found in questions/answers #126-130 listed in To Be a Christian, An Anglican Catechism of the Anglican Church in North America.

It's Not Too Late to Join Stephen Minister Training!

Stephen Ministry Training will now take place on Zoom! Even though a few sessions have started, it’s not too late to join! Contact Deacon Julie if you are interested in this training at all.

Below are the resources and information to learn more about Stephen Ministry!

All Saints’ Church will be training the 4th group of Stephen Ministers this winter/spring on Sunday afternoons 1:00-3:30 from January 7 through June 2. If you feel led to minister to those who are suffering, or if you would just like to improve your relationships with your loved ones, this class is for you. If you are interested in this training, but this time may not work for you, please contact Deacon Julie.

Here are a few resources to tell you more about Stephen Ministry

For those called to be Stephen Ministers, this is the first step in discerning and equipping God’s call on your service to him. Near the end of the class those desiring to be commissioned as a Stephen Minister will be asked to fill out an application and meet with clergy for discernment on God’s calling and timing. Questions? Contact Deacon Julie or Deacon Andy for more information.

What is Stephen Minister Training?

Stephen Minister training is an engaging, energizing experience that features a mixture of presentation, video, group discussion, skill practice, and spiritual growth activities. Since 1975, more than 600,000 Stephen Ministers have been equipped by this training to provide care to millions of people.

Stephen Minister training . . .

  • teaches principles and skills that equip you to provide high-quality, Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to others.

  • gives you new insight into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of people who are hurting.

  • equips you with relational and caring skills you can apply to all aspects of your life.

  • helps deepen your faith as the Holy Spirit fashions you into a Christ-centered caregiver.

  • builds a special bond of Christian community and camaraderie among all those in your class.

  • is highly interactive, engaging, and a lot of fun!