
VBS Commissioning Sunday is July 21

Calling all SCUBA VBS volunteers! Get ready to make a splash as we lead children to dive into friendship with God July 22-26!  Everyone serving at any time during VBS week is asked to wear their SCUBA VBS t-shirt on Sunday, July 21, as Father Scott will be inviting the church to pray over us at both the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. services to commission us for mission. Need a t-shirt (specifically labeled with “All Saints' Church”)? We have plenty for anyone that wants one! Contact Tara at or stop by the church office.

Meet & Greet for Recent Attendees

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past several months If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet on Sunday, September 17- immediately following the second service. Light refreshments will be provided, and childcare is available for children in 1st Grade and under. Please contact Tara if your young child is attending as lunch is provided in the nursery. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!

Recent Attender?

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, March 5- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!

Please contact Tara Pedersen if you would like childcare.

Ash Wednesday is February 22

Ash Wednesday is February 22

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of repentance and self-examination as we walk towards the Cross. The tradition of the Imposition of Ashes is a powerful and Biblical way to begin this penitential season in deep humility and prayer. Join us at noon or 7 p.m. for this important service. Childcare will be provided at the 7 p.m. service.

Recent Attender?

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the last several months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, October 9- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church!

Recent Attender?

Have you started attending All Saints’ Church within the past six months? If so, we would like to properly welcome you with a brief meet and greet Sunday, May 22- immediately following the second service. Childcare is available and light refreshments will be provided. Come to get to know our clergy, and some of our staff members while learning about opportunities within our church! RSVP’s helpful, but not required.

Protecting God's Children Class Coming Soon!

Do you need to renew your Protecting God’s Children certification? Want to get your 14 year old and older teen involved in VBS this summer? Are you a parent? Protecting God’s Children at All Saints’ Church, a required workshop for all those 14 and older who volunteer with youth and children (VBS, children's church, Nursery, Youth Group, etc.). The next session will be offered Monday, March 7, 7-9:30 p.m. in the children’s wing.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of repentance and self-examination as we walk towards the Cross. The tradition of the Imposition of Ashes is a powerful and Biblical way to begin this penitential season in deep humility and prayer. Join us at noon or 7 p.m. for this important service. Childcare will be provided at the 7 p.m. service.