There will not be morning prayer (via Zoom) on April 10.
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
Road to Resurrection Booklet
Prayer and Worship Hour
Sunday, March 24 we continue our fourth Sunday prayer and worship hour from 6-7 p.m. at All Saints’ Church in the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our congregation, community, and upcoming outreach events. Please note, RSVP’s are required to Tara for childcare.
Go Deeper in Prayer by Becoming an Intercessor for All Saints' Church
March Birthdays & Anniversaries
Prayer and Worship Hour
Sunday, February 25 we continue our fourth Sunday prayer and worship hour from 6-7 p.m. at All Saints’ Church in the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our congregation, community, and upcoming outreach events. Please note, RSVP’s are required to Tara for childcare.
It's Not Too Late to Join Stephen Minister Training!
Stephen Ministry Training will now take place on Zoom! Even though a few sessions have started, it’s not too late to join! Contact Deacon Julie if you are interested in this training at all.
Below are the resources and information to learn more about Stephen Ministry!
All Saints’ Church will be training the 4th group of Stephen Ministers this winter/spring on Sunday afternoons 1:00-3:30 from January 7 through June 2. If you feel led to minister to those who are suffering, or if you would just like to improve your relationships with your loved ones, this class is for you. If you are interested in this training, but this time may not work for you, please contact Deacon Julie.
Here are a few resources to tell you more about Stephen Ministry
For those called to be Stephen Ministers, this is the first step in discerning and equipping God’s call on your service to him. Near the end of the class those desiring to be commissioned as a Stephen Minister will be asked to fill out an application and meet with clergy for discernment on God’s calling and timing. Questions? Contact Deacon Julie or Deacon Andy for more information.
What is Stephen Minister Training?
Stephen Minister training is an engaging, energizing experience that features a mixture of presentation, video, group discussion, skill practice, and spiritual growth activities. Since 1975, more than 600,000 Stephen Ministers have been equipped by this training to provide care to millions of people.
Stephen Minister training . . .
teaches principles and skills that equip you to provide high-quality, Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to others.
gives you new insight into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of people who are hurting.
equips you with relational and caring skills you can apply to all aspects of your life.
helps deepen your faith as the Holy Spirit fashions you into a Christ-centered caregiver.
builds a special bond of Christian community and camaraderie among all those in your class.
is highly interactive, engaging, and a lot of fun!
Prayer and Worship Hour
Sunday, January 28 we resume our fourth Sunday prayer and worship hour from 6-7 p.m. at All Saints’ Church in the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our congregation, community, and upcoming outreach events. Please note, RSVP’s are required to Tara for childcare.
Pray for Our Youth Group at Camp Booyah This Weekend
This weekend our Youth Group Teens and several adult leaders will be away at Watermarks Retreat Center for the winter camp Booyah Brrrr! This three-night camp is a shorter version of the summer camp. Teens are invited to enter into the Anglican way of worshiping together and get to know other teenagers from Anglican churches in the ACNA. Pray for the teens as they are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus and challenged to follow him more closely.
Susannah Pedersen
Esther Goeller
Ivey Pachecano
Sarah-Joy Reichert
John Pedersen
Isaac McHargue
Aaron SaJous
Isaac Fair
Leo Manning
Jedd Trenum
Heidi Reichert
Lilliana McCloy
Reilly Pachecano
Jackson McHargue
Pray for Our Teens at Camp June 13-18!
Please pray for the teens in our Youth Group as they depart for Camp Booyah on Sunday, June 13 for a week of worship, connection, and a variety of outdoor activities. Rooted in the liturgy and tradition of the Anglican church, our teens will experience morning prayer and compline with teens from other Anglican churches. Each morning, campers will also serve those in need in the local community through a variety of mission projects.
You can pray specifically for:
Safe travel to and from camp
Fellowship amongst the teens
Endurance for the adult leaders
Strengthening of the students’ faith and ability to share it as they return home from camp
Deep and lasting engagement with God