Streetlight Ministries exists to provide the area homeless population with vital services which include providing hot meals.
Childcare Needs this Fall
Support discipleship on the front lines and assist mothers and families, to care for their children.
As we prepare for our Fall Kickoff of Christian Education events and Fall Children's Ministries, we have two nursery needs that will need a few volunteers:
Monday mornings, 915am-1130am, 2nd & 4th Mondays, MOPS Nursery (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Sunday evenings, 4-6pm, Foundations Bible Study and Youth Group Leaders Childcare
Volunteers can serve once a month, once a week, or whenever fits your schedule. Sunday evenings begin Sunday, Sept. 12th, and Monday mornings begin Monday, Sept. 13th.
Thank you for praying into how you serve our children this coming season. Contact Tara Pedersen for more info.
VBS Volunteer Commissioning
Calling all VBS Treasure Hunters! Before we have amazing encounters with Jesus and our community throughout next week’s Vacation Bible School, let's wear our VBS t-shirts this coming Sunday, July 18 (either service). We will be commissioned and sent out on mission! Fr. Scott will invite us to stand for a prayer of commissioning during the Sunday services as we prepare our hearts to show the children in our community how treasured they are!
Sign Up for the Food Giveaway - July 10
Serve in the Community: Streetlight Meal June 30
Children's Church Update
Late Summer Children's Church Update:
To give our teachers a summer break before our "Back to Sunday School" kickoff mid-September, Zoom Children's Church will end July 18.
The Pre-K and Elem classes will be combined into one class, with a Missionary Hero visitor dressing up and telling the children about their life mission for Jesus! A new Missionary Hero each week to visit the kids! We will then do outdoor Faith Formation activities such as Family Prayer (Book of Common Prayer) in the church backyard, sidewalk chalk prayers, exploring creation in the garden, or prayer walking to VBS music.
Come join in!
Only 9 slots left for Treasured Vacation Bible School!
Spaces have been filling up for our Treasured VBS beginning next Monday, July 19 through Friday, July 23 (9 a.m.-12 p.m.). To register click the VBS Website button below!
Our children discover they are priceless to God as they embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. This is the summer event that helps kids discover God's greatest treasure isn't diamonds, gems, or gold—it's them! Small group crews and their Crew Leader will travel together for each day's adventure, worshipping and singing at Sing & Play Rock, digging into Bible Adventures, experimenting with Science-y Fun take-home Gizmos, playing games that reinforce the day's Bible Point, viewing Kid Vid Cinema real-kid testimonies, and eating fun treats at Vine Dining Snacks.
Treasured VBS Is Coming to All Saints'!
All Saints' Is Updating the Take-Them-A-Meal Registry
Blessing Bag Ministry Resumes!
The Blessing Bag Ministry has been given the go-ahead to resume its operations. However, after a great deal of prayer, and a change in life circumstances, we, Lee & Jennifer, are stepping back from our duties to this wonderful ministry by mid-June. Will you pray about leading this amazing ministry that has helped many in our community?
Come to a Vacation Bible School (VBS) Training!
Do you Have These Items Around the House?!
Thank you for all the decor donations so far! We are still in need of:
greenery and artificial plants or trees, either borrowed or donated.
any good condition medium, large, and extra-large boxes to include dryer/washer size
Bring to the church office, M-Th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., or on any Sunday morning.
Sign Up for the Food Giveaway -
Breaking News! Parish Workday this Saturday, May 8, 9AM to 1PM!
Send Our Youth to Camp!
The youth of All Saints’ are heading to Camp Booyah this summer for a week of Anglican formation, worship, Bible study, service, and summer camp fun at Watermarks in Scottsville, VA. The directors of this camp encourage youth attending to do “sweat-equity” to help pay for their time away at Watermarks.