Small Group Studies continue during the Sunday School hour. Please enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and fellowship with fellow parishioners in one of the following offerings:
Daytime VBS Decor Day!
Christian Education Sunday on June 2
This Sunday: Don’t Just Keep the Faith, Spread It!
On Sunday, May 26, The Rev. Greg Downes, former teacher of missions and evangelism at the University of Oxford will be at All Saints’ teaching and training us in the principles of personal evangelism from the book of Acts. Following the 11 a.m. service, we will learn from Greg, and practice with each other. The sign up is closed to order lunch and request child care, however, you are welcome to just show up with your bagged lunch, if neither are needed!
Men's Prayer Breakfast
The Good and Beautiful Life - New Sunday School Class
“Acts” – Sunday School Class Continues
Baptism Class
New Opportunity for Study and Fellowship for the Homebound!
Adult Discipleship Offerings
Abortion Recovery Class
Have you experienced the pain and regret of an abortion in your past? Do you desire God’s spiritual and emotional healing?
Each woman is different in how she carries the burden of abortion and not all women are affected in the same way. But abortion can affect a woman, physically, emotionally, and most importantly…spiritually. The shame, guilt, and remorse are often so overwhelming that it is difficult to share the pain. And it is the best kept secret among women.
You are not alone!!! Abortion recovery offers what no other place in our communities can: freedom from guilt and grief. It is a place to share with other women who have had a similar experience.
All Saints’, along with Life First, is offering a 10-week Abortion Recovery Bible study for women who desire the Lord’s healing in this area of their lives. It is scripture-based and allows God to take your hand and lead you down the path of emotional healing. Strict confidentiality is the rule and no one’s personal information is ever shared.
Dates: Monday, April 1 through June 10th. 7-9 pm.
For more information contact Suzy Speare at 703-861-5994(cell) or
In-Person Protecting God's Children in July!
Perishable Food Drive This Week!
We still need donations to the perishable food drive tomorrow (Friday) from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Additionally, you may drop off perishables in the kitchen if you are attending the Epiphany service this evening (January 6).
While all food is welcome, some of the non-perishable items most needed include:
Pasta Sauce
Masa Instantanea (maseca)
We Believe: An Exploration and Celebration of the Creeds of the Church
The creeds are something we say as part of our worship each week and an integral part of most of our liturgies. Perhaps you wondered where they came from, why they are worded as they are and how they shape our faith. Come join us, over the next 6 weeks, as we look at the history, biblical basis and spiritual significance of the 3 creeds in our Book of Common Prayer – the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the perhaps less familiar, Athanasian Creed. This study will meet at the Education Hour (9:45-10:40 am.), in the Sanctuary, beginning Sunday, January 9.
Men's Bible Study on Break for the Summer
The Men’s Bible Study will be taking a break for the summer. The plan is to reconvene in person in September (COVID-19 permitting). In the meantime, stay in the Word this summer! If you have questions, please contact Deacon Andy Terry or Steve Barker.